3. Discovery

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Well that didn't take forever to post //shot

I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I was really busy! (By busy I mean rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and obsessing over it for a few days, I'm still in recovery at the feel hospital) But I finally decided to come post. It was also my birthday a couple of days ago so that kept me busy too!

With that aside I hope you enjoy!


Hours had passed, yet you were still awake.

Everything hurt. You lay in your bed, 'him' sleeping next to you. He didn't even bother to let you clean your new bleeding wounds. He just threw you down on the bed and told you to sleep. He even had to nerve to try cuddle you, and you had to comply. You'd been awake all night, until morning. You slowly sat up from the bed, careful not to wake him up. You got off the bed and walked downstairs, avoiding all the creaky floorboards.

You grabbed a bag and packed some things, just the essentials. Some money, your phone and other things. Your whole body hurt. You were tired. You wanted nothing but to sleep and rest, but if you did that, you'd never be able to escape. You'd never had a chance like this. But the beatings.. It was even worse last night. He didn't show any mercy whilst he beat and cut you, he'd make you scream, and if you held it in, it'd just make it worse. Your cuts were bleeding, your breathing was pained and heavy, your eyes had dark circles under them, but you didn't care. Freedom was all you longed for now. You opened the door and left, going to the first place that crossed your mind.

The café.

People gave you odd looks, and you tried your best to look normal. But it was hard, hard to just keep yourself conscious. Once you were in the café, you'd be okay. It eventually came into sight. It was early in the morning, so not many people were there. You stumbled your way to the table you'd usually sit at with Feliciano. You weren't hungry, you weren't thirsty, though you ordered a drink to try keep yourself awake, and to look like a somewhat normal customer. You were just tired. Ever so tired. You didn't care how weird you looked anymore, you folded your arms and rested your head atop them, letting sleep take you.


Feliciano made his way down to the café, it was almost time to meet (F/N) at the café. He had questions, and also her money that she'd left the day before. She'd left way to much money for just a meal of pasta, so he'd thought he'd pay for her meal as well as his own, and give her the money she'd left behind the next time he saw her. Half of him was worried, she looked so panicked. She ran out the café as fast as Feliciano ran away whenever he saw one of the Allies. The other half of him was just hoping that it was just something she was late for and everything was sorted out now.

He opened the door to the café, hung his coat on the coat rack, and made his was to the table he'd normally sit at with (F/N). He'd expected the table to be empty, but it wasn't. The sight that greeted him next surprised him. (F/N) was already at the table, but her head was buried in the crook of her arms, and she seemed to be asleep. The drink next to her was cold, when it should have been warm. She'd been here awhile, sleeping. He panicked slightly and ran over to her.


You felt someone shaking you lightly, and a familiar voice kept calling your name. It wasn't your 'boyfriend', you didn't remember much from last night. Where were you? You opened your eyes, finally remembering where you were as you slowly looked around you. You looked to the side to meet the worried eyes of Feliciano, who'd woken you up. You remembered now, but how long had you been asleep? People probably though you were just tired and came here for a coffee, but fell asleep before you could drink it or something like that..

"(F/N)? Hey!" Feliciano said, his tone slightly worried. And he had reason to be, your hair was messy, there were bags under your eyes, and there's was blood seeping through your jacket. Hiding the truth was inevitable. You sat up properly and Feliciano began talking again.

"Are you hurt? You're bleeding! Did someone attack you? What do I do!?" He said, clearly flustered and unsure of what he should do. His hair curl bounced around as he panicked. But he finally managed to calm himself down and he gave you a serious look, which was rare for him.

"(F/N), what happened, why is there blood on your clothes?" He said, trying to sound as calm as possible. Your mind was finally snapping out of its trance after the few hours of sleep it had just had. All the memories of last night came flooding back in an instant. It all became too much for you to bear, and you felt tears fill your eyes and trickle down your cheeks. You couldn't hold them back any longer, you leant forwards and tightly hugged Feliciano, letting out a few small sobs. Feliciano's expression turned to a mix of panic and confusion as he lightly wrapped his arms back around you.

What was going on now?!


Thank you all for reading and I'll try to update soon //shot ;-; Feedback is appreciated

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