If Their Friend Told Their Crush They Liked Them

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*kills friend* *goes to jail for ten years* *comes out and proposes to crush*- Gleamshine, Lightningstrike, Scarredpath, Elsa

"Wh-what?! I can't believe you did that! This friendship is over!" *but comes back begging for their friend to forgive them the next day*- Stormtail, Icestorm, Rivertail, Brightheart, Thistlepaw

*forgives their friend easily but avoids their crush for awhile*- Creampaw, Cedarpaw

*forgives friend and decides it's time to come clean to their crush*- Flamefeather, Falconstar

*actually holds a grudge against their friend but avoids crush, embarrassed*- Hazeltuft

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