Chapter Fourteen

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"Let's go, let's go!" Bellamy panted. He was in front of the group now, Finn having to slow down because of the stitch in his side. 

"What are we going to do?" Finn heaved from where he was almost next to Isaac. "They keep heading us off."

Isaac slid his knife out of his pocket. He hardly ever brought it out, but now seemed like the appropriate time. He brandished it in front of his chest, holding on to it tightly, and showing it to Finn. "We can't run forever." 

"Just keep running-"

"I can't!" Jasper gasped. He was at the back of the group, and Isaac turned to watch him stumble across a pile of sticks, landing against a tree. 

Diggs was livid. "I'm not stopping for him!" he belted. 

Bellamy, however, stopped running and instead made a U-turn, heading back towards Jasper. "I'm tired of running," he announced. He barely sounded winded. 

Isaac pulled himself to a stop, turning as well, Finn following suit. "Hey, what are you doing?" asked the shorter of the two. 

There was a mad look in the older boys eyes, Isaac saw it glinting in the dim light reflecting off of his pupils. "They know where she is," his voice wasn't angry, though it sounded that way. Isaac knew he was angry, there was no doubting that, but more than anything, Bellamy Blake was desperate. 

Roma paused running finally, turning to look behind her when suddenly she took off again. "Diggs, where are you?" she shouted.

A faint yell came back. "Roma!"

Isaac felt his heart lurch forwards and collide with his rib cage. "Roma, WAIT-" his fingers brushed the air where she had just been, grazing the material of her shirt. He took off after her. She was running towards the sound of Digg's screaming, when suddenly it stopped and was replaced by a new sound.

Roma's screaming. "Wait, Roma!"

"There could be more of them!" Finn warned loudly, completely aware of the obvious. 

Monroe and the four remaining boys lurched to a stop as Diggs came into their sight, Finn and Bellamy almost colliding with his dead body. There was a thick branch separating them, a giant pipe stuck through Digg's center. Blood was dripping down his chin, coming from his mouth and nose. His eyes were stuck wide open, terror imprinted in them forever. His last final moments. Isaac reached out. He was trembling, his own eyes wide, but he managed to press his fingers on the eyelids of the boy in front of him, brushing them down to close Digg's eyes. 

"They were leading us here!" Jasper panicked. He was breathing heavier than any of them as Finn reached out to put a hand on Isaac's shoulder. He was aware of how the deaths down here affected him, somehow they had a bigger impact on him than they did the rest of the 100. "It's the only direction we could run in."

Finn spoke up suddenly. "Hey, where'd they go?"

Bellamy only needed a second before his eyes widened in realization. "After Roma," he gasped. 

The group took off again, yet again after Roma.

It was only a twenty seconds before Monroe spotted Roman leaning against a tree. "There she is," she sighed in relief. "Roma!" she called out. Roma didn't move or give an answer, and the knot growing in Isaac's stomach made him assume the worst. Bellamy hardly stopped, instead jogging over to Roman. Finn, Isaac and Mornoe followed close behind. Jasper stayed standing where he was, away from the tree.

The way Bellamy's shoulders tensed when he got close enough to the tree was enough to make Isaac's stomach drop all the way to his feet. Once he caught up with the older man, he took careful notice of the giant stick that seemed to be sticking out of something. Bellamy hurried towards the tree and Isaac followed closely. The two rounded the bend to see Roma's head lolled to the side, her eyes open and emotionless. There was a spear stuck through her chest, pinning her to the tree. She hadn't even had time to be afraid. Isaac didn't know if that was good or bad.

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