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The view of the skyline,
Is one that I live by,
With the separating horizon,
To keep us apart,
Yet so close,
With the sky,
Of paints of different colors,
Filled with emotions even humans can't understand,
And the ground,
That keeps us grounded,
Keeps us alive,
The physical, cynical, smart mouthed side,
That keeps us with reality,
Holds us back.

The sky and the ground,
With their view of their own,
The dreamer and the cynic,
They go together,
Like PB and J.

Life is full of views,
Whether of the sky,
Or the people and places around,
To tell you the truth,
The sight isn't always the prettiest,
But sometimes,
Heart wrenching.

The views you get,
From this trip called life,
Will be so contrasting to each other,
You'll see love,
And hate in the other.

But for now,
Let's enjoy the view,
Of the sky,
And the ocean blue.

bittersweetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang