Little Do We Know

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Our problems
Are too strong
With politics and war
I don't think we'll last long.

Listen to the broadcasts
New interviews 
With the presidential debate
The world is too controversial

I hate this so much
All the fights and battle
This adds on
To my internal ring of noisy cattle
Of opinions and right and wrong
Which causes me to have 
A bigger headache

We face this world
Of chaos and tragedy
And try to find peace
But little do we know
That as long as we fight
And bring ourselves down
We'll never make the world great again.

Little do we know
That as long
As we can't find peace
Within ourselves
Believe that everything will be okay
And just mope our loss
We will never find peace
In others.

Little do we know
That lying is the answer.

Little do we know
That we need to learn respect

It's the R-E S-P E-C-T that we are missing
We need to respect ourselves
As well as others.

Little do we know
Our fight for good
Will never solve anything
For fighting isn't the answer
Neither is dying.

Dying shows our mortality
Our weakness

Dying shows chaos, tragedy
Yet we will sleep peacefully.

Dying shows
All that grows
Will one day wilt and die
But that doesn't mean
It won't give off colors
That it won't be seen
It will be a flower
Of different colors
That show our pride as a world
That one day
We'll find peace in ourselves
Then we'll find peace in others.

Our little actions
Soon grow to impact
A world's new generation
Of new-comers
Who will learn
Just as much as us
That life will never be the same
That we can repeat history
If we choose to
And if we choose peace over death
We'll show how this world
Will be more than the little we knew.

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