dear past lover

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dear past lover
i know you've found
someone other
who will hold your hand
and know you
better than i can understand

dear past lover
thank you
for letting me bother you
thank you
for being my toilet
and taking my crap

dear past lover
i hope you
can find new love
and hold it with your best care
i hope
you can love without being scared
i hope you are free
and they don't hold you down
from living your dream
i wish they will let you land
on the soft sand
and help you understand
the science of your mind's oceanography

dear past lover
you're now with another

person who i hope
will love you
hold you
care for you
protect you
admire you
and hold your hand
through your worsts, and your bests

dear past lover
and this may be a bit sappy
but i do hope you're happy
and live your days
to the fullest. 

past love

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