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Once he arrives at his castle, he rushes to find Molly. His wound is still bleeding but he's much too in a rage to think of trivial things such as wounds. She is tending to wounded soldiers, being gentle and exchanging small stories with them so they feel comfortable while healing.

"Nurse Hooper!" He yells as he passes by the room.

She lifts her head and excuses herself politely, rushing from the chambers. "My Lord", she curtsies. "What ever is the matter??" She glances at his chest and gasps.

"He's coming for you. Tell him nothing of our conversations. Claim you have no connection with me. Claim you despise me. Do whatever you must to survive. Just know I will come for you. I will win this blasted war."

"Wh-Sherlock hold on! What are you speaking of??" She begins hurriedly treating his gash.

"King Moriarty." He goes with her into his chambers "Promise me you will do all you can to survive."

She looks up into his eyes. "You're scared. Terrified." she says softly, leading him to sit. "Take a deep breath..." Molly bites her lip and gently places a hand on his. "Everything will be okay. I believe in your ability to take control of your country. I believe in your ability to be a great ruler and one that can defeat that tyrant."

He holds her hand, "He just killed my mother. I can't lose you as well. Promise me you will stay safe."

She gasps and covers her mouth. "The Queen is dead??" Tears well up in her eyes. "Oh sir I am so sorry" tears fall down her cheeks. 

He quickly wipes her tears, "The time to mourn will come."

Molly sniffs softly and gazes into his gorgeous aqua eyes, which swirl with emotion. "I am sure it will....she was just such a great woman and leader. She was a huge role model to me and to many women."  

He gently places a hand on her cheek, "Promise me you'll stay safe." 

She gazes into his blue green eyes, becoming entranced by the small amount of gold in them before snapping herself out of it. "Hmm? Oh. I-I mean of course I will try to keep myself safe Your Majesty." 

"Betray me. Betray your King. Prove to King Moriarty you are his most loyal servant." 

"I will never betray you. You are my King. And I will stand on your side through the thickest of the thick and thinnest of the thin. I am not a traitor to my country." 

"Do it to survive." 

"I wouldn't even betray you to survive Your Majesty. That's what all these soldiers are doing. Giving their life and limb for their King and country. It is up to me to be as loyal as they are. "I would never forgive myself if I were to betray you. Especially since your family had done so much for my father and I."

He kisses her hands, "Please betray me. I beg of you."

"I won't and I can't Your Majesty."

He looks at her sadly, "I'll win this war." He lets go of her hands and walks off.

"King Sherlock!"

He goes into his chambers. Nurse Molly rushes after him and grabs him right as he almost collapses. "Yeah...blood loss will do that to even the mightiest King."

"I'm fine." He closes his eyes, "You need to prepare to leave."

"You're not fine sir. Come with me. I'll not take no for an answer. You /need/ medical treatment." 

He sighs softly and nods weakly. She calls for help and her team comes with a cloth gurney,  carrying him to the medical chambers. The moment he enters the room all of the soldiers on the cots salute. He passes out and Molly works on him for hours, getting the gash to clot. She very carefully calls in a maid to take the crown to its case. She tells them to shine it. While Sherlock sleeps Molly starts to hear loud crashes in other parts of the castle.

Nurse Hooper grabs the sheathed sword from the Kings hip and moves toward the noise. The  kings knights barricade the door "At all costs save the King!"

"What is going on!?"

"It's the King Moriarty. He's come for his people!"

She takes a deep breath and stands tall. "Let him in." She tells her fellow nurses to help King Holmes at all costs. "We will hold him off as long as we can."

"Don't fight him. It will only make this more hellish if we hold him off. His wrath is his weakness and everyone else's downfall."

"But he'll kill the King while he is weak!"

"The King is not here. He has gone out to collect more weapons." She lies, and turns to a knight and whispers for him to barricade all the wounded soldiers and the King inside the medical chamber. She nods at them knowingly. "/Remember?/ He asked you all to maintain your posts." They nod and listen to her. Molly grips the sword as they step back, allowing King Moriarty to walk up to her.

King Moriarty steps up and smirks looking around, "God my castle is sooooooo much better than this poor excuse."

Molly forces herself to bow, pretending to be putting away the Kings extra weapons. He smirks, "and who might you be? Ah, perhaps the Kings nurse?"

"One of the many, yessir." 

He walks up to her. "When I walk into a room people usually go on their knees. I don't like when people simply bow. So on your knees and turn your face to the floor."

"I'm sorry, but I do not take orders from egotistical tyrants. Unless you're going to act like a valid King, you do not have the amount of respect to be treated like one."

He pulls a dagger and holds it to her throat, "Do not act arrogant with me! I am your KING and you will KNEEL."

Molly fights back her fear and raises an eyebrow. "Now now..someone has a temper." She forces his wrist back from her throat. "And that is /no way/ to treat a lady. I will give you one more chance to act like a rational adult rather than an infant during a tantrum, or else you will leave this castle since you were uninvited to begin with." Molly holds her poker face, looking very calm and completely serious.

King James slaps her with great force causing her to fall to the ground "I will be taking you back with me because I know how precious you are to the King. That is the only reason you're still breathing. But once the King is dead I will take great joy in slitting your throat." He smirks and orders two of his men to grab her arms.

She pants softly from the blunt force of the hit, but takes small deep breaths and remains calm. "The King cherishes nobody but his parents. Both of which you murdered. He has nobody to deem "precious" anymore and he has never been the type to dwell in such musings."

He smirks and motions the men to drag her to a jail wagon waiting which is already loaded with other servants many of which are beaten up because they refused to leave. Molly allows them to put her in the wagon and spots a young girl around 12 years old. She scoots over to her and cradles her close. "Everything will be okay. This war will end soon."

The girl cries softly, she has a large bruise on the side of her face. Molly looks sad and strokes her hair. "You did the right thing you know. You stood strong for what you believe in. Your King and Your Country. That's very very admirable. You are so strong." The girl clings to Molly. Nurse Hooper begins to sing a quiet lullaby that her Father had sung to her as a girl, and the girl calms down slowly as the wagon takes off on its long trip. Molly rubs her back. "I've got you darling. "  

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