The Creation of a New Kingdom

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He sets them up in one of the biggest and best rooms. Once the kids are tucked in, she kneels and bows, thanking him wholeheartedly for the rescue and the safe journey. 

"You're welcome Nurse Hooper." He nods and goes into his own chambers. 

"Your Majesty?"

"Yes Nurse Hooper?" 

"You can call me Molly...if..if you prefer of course." 

He nods softly, "Right of course., and as I said before, you can call me Sherlock in private." 

Molly nibbles her lip then goes over to him and hugs him close. Holmes closes his eyes and hugs her back gently. 

"I just don't want to be disrespectful to you. I'm walking on eggshells, Sherlock sir." 

"Stay with me in my chambers tonight." He whispers against her hair.  Molly gasps softly and turn bright red, looking up at him. 

"A..are you sure that's the best idea..?" she asks shyly. The King nods and Hooper takes a small breath and nods as well. 

"Yes. I believe I'd enjoy that very much." He takes her hand and leads her into his bed chambers. Molly cheeks are a flaming red. He crosses the room and and cleans his face in the water basin. She stands and watches, unsure of what to do. Sherlock sits in front of the fire and motions her to sit in the seat across from him, so she does. The bottom of her dress, and her underclothes are dirty and grungy from being previously soaked from and near the lake.

"Would you like a hot bath? I can have the maid draw one for you."

"That would be lovely thank you."

He nods and slips off his boots and calls the maid, she lays out fresh clothes for Molly and draws her a hot bath. Molly gives her a genuine smile and a hug, thanking her for all of her hard work. The maid smiles and leaves. Sherlock sets up his divider between the bedroom and where the bath is. Molly walks to the bath and peels off her undergarments. Sherlock changes into a bed gown and sits by the fire. Molly settles into the bath and sighs, washing herself slowly. The feel of the water makes her relax. Moments later, Molly then hears a violin playing softly and gets out of the bathtub carefully, patting her body dry with the soft towel. Suddenly she realizes that her clothes were put out on the other side of the curtain, where King Sherlock was walking around the room playing the violin. Panic arises in her chest and she paces, not sure what to do. King Sherlock's eyes are closes as he slowly moves about the room, invested into his music. Molly quietly slips out of the curtain, making her way across the room. 

The King's back is turned and once she reaches the bed the song is finished so he turns around. She closes her eyes tightly, wishing that she becomes invisible. He freezes and stares at her from across the room. Molly opens her eyes, humiliation showing on her face. The King quickly closes his eyes again. Tears well up in her eyes just from the humiliation of the situation and she hurriedly slips her knickers and night gown on. 

"May I open my eyes now?" 

"Yes" she chokes out and quickly wipes her eyes. Sherlock opens his eyes and walks to her gently wiping her cheeks. Molly sniffles and avoids his gaze, but he tilts her chin up kissing her softly. 

"You're very beautiful." He says softly, "There's no need for the humiliation." 

"Th-thank you sir. That's..very flattering." she blushes. 

Sherlock takes her hands and gently kisses them, gazing into her warm brown eyes. "Once the kingdom is rebuilt, I will need a queen. I would like to make you my queen." 

Molly gasps sharply and covers her mouth with both hands. 

"If you'll take me." 

"I-...I-" she can't even speak she's so shocked. King Holmes goes to his dresser and pulls out his mother's ring. He slowly kneels and kisses Molly's hand. Tears rush down her face. "Ohh...ohh...ohh my..." covers her mouth and holds out her left hand shakily. 

He slips it on and kisses her hand before bowing his head, "My Queen."

Molly cries and nods her head. "I..I can't believe it...yes. Yes. I- I will be your Queen. I will try my hardest to fulfill the role." Sherlock stands and places a kiss on her forehead before placing one on her lips. She cups his face and kisses him passionately, with all the feelings she had been holding back for awhile. He kisses her back deeply. Suddenly Molly pulls away, fear coming over her face. He looks down at her, half mesmerized by her kiss. "

My King..." her voice cracks with self-loathing. 

"What is it?" he asks, furrowing his brow. 

"I...I am not pure. King Moriarty he..." her voice cracks and she tears up. "He took that from me..."

 Sherlock nods softly and moves a piece of hair behind her ear, "I am aware of that. But my opinion of you is unchanged." Molly breaks down, all of her emotions from her previous turmoil tumbling out. Sherlock draws her into his arms and consoles her. 

"My opinion of myself is changed. My own confidence is changed. I don't understand how someone as magnificent as you would want me. I don't understand how I'm not tainted to you. Just...the memories are enough for me to loathe myself." 

"I am sorry for what he did to you and that I couldn't get myself there quick enough. But you are not tainted to me," he tells her, stroking her cheek. "I care for you too deeply for those expectations to matter. 

"Thank you..." she looks into his eyes, tears falling down her face. He scoops her up and lies her in the big soft bed. Molly whispers softly, not wanting to offend him, but needing to know. "Is that why you chose you want to relieve your anxieties on me, my King?" She bows her head, looking at the sheets sadly. "I am yours now, afterall..."

"No I wanted you to relax in a bed by yourself." He gently kisses her head. "Sleep well."

She gazes up at him in wonder. "Sherlock..?" 


"I love you."

"I love you." He kisses her softly and blows the candles by the bed out. 

"'ve no idea how many times I've heard those words fall from your lips within my dreams...will you stay? With I was wrong to think you would ever use me...I know that isn't you. It's just the memories are haunting...but I trust you. And we won't do anything intimate before the wedding..." 

He nods softly and lies next to her on the bed. Molly slips under the blankets with him and drapes her arm across his chest, laying her head on his shoulder. He holds her protectively. "Thank you for everything, my King. You have a heart of gold, just like your parents." Sherlock smiles softly, kisses her head and closes his eyes.  

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