A Face From the Past

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They arrive at Moriarty's Castle the next day and Molly clings to the little girl protectively.
The soldiers rip them apart and leads Molly into the castle.
"No!" Molly shoves them away and draws the girl close. "She is a /child/. And unless you want to take care of her I beg of you to allow me." "King Moriarty sends the children to the fields." They grab her back and hold a sword up to Molly. She elbows him in the stomach and kicks him hard in the groin. "They need someone to watch over them! They are children. Not adults. They need more care." More soldiers grab her and drag her to the cells. "Stop!!" She screams as she fights their grasp. "Please. They're just children." She tears up.
They throw her into the jail cell, ignore her and leave the room.

Meanwhile back at the King of England's Castle, King Sherlock is just waking up from the blood loss and taking in his surroundings. He's surrounded by many nurses and patients.
He immediately looks around for Molly but doesn't see her anywhere. He calls over one of the nurses, "what has happened?"
"King Moriarty! He broke down the barricades! He took half of your whole staff. Nurses, maids, cooks, even a child!"
The man next to sherlock has a large gash across his chest. It is fully wrapped. He looks at the King. "Your Majesty, you can fix this. I trust in you. We all do. We have to. King Moriarty cannot rule, or else England will fall." He salutes. "But we all have faith in you. We are all loyal to you. Once I'm all patched I'm going right back into that battlefield."
Sherlock salutes him, "Yes I will fix this."
He smiles softly. "What people love most about you I'd that you are relatable. You are human. You are just like us but are an incredible, brilliant ruler. Your asset is your humanity but your loyalty is your country and your people, and doing everything to keep us safe. That's what matters and that's why you are so beloved Your Majesty. My family adores you. My daughter and my wife are waiting at home for me, but they understand that I had to do this. I'm not sure if you remember me, but we met..when we were young. Your father had just taken reign from your grandfather.. we were around six years old...You..must've wandered to the village where I was helping my father with some crops, but mostly fooling around. I remember you used to take me on your 'adventures' through the back alleys of the quarter." The man smiles fondly at Sherlock. "We may have grown older and drifted apart from our chores and responsibilities, but I always remembered. Some of my fondest memories, Sire."
"Thank you." Sherlock smiles softly. "Do you remember me..?"
"Seems like I've blocked all my childhood memories but I do recall something like that."
"Oh.." he.looks a bit disappointed. "It's me...John..John Watson..?"
"Ah, John Watson." He smiles softly "Now I remember."
John smiles softly. "You do? That's great. It's been been a long time, sir."
He nods softly. Two weeks pass and King Sherlock has recovered and has assembled the best group of Knights which includes Knight Watson. King Sherlock starts to make a dent in King Moriarty's ranks. John Watson and King Sherlock fight alongside each other, for John is also a trained doctor who can aid the King when there is a need.
Watson knows of Nurse Hooper and the affection Sherlock has for her.
They are in a vicious battle and Moriarty's men has cornered them. They take out a few, but one lunges and stabs John square in the shoulder. He screams out.
John grimaces and lunges his own sword, killing the last man. He yells out and grips his shoulder, blood flowing out through his fingers. King Holmes quickly kneels besides John and holds his shoulder. He groans loudly. "Go to s-safety. I-ill be fine. More of his army are coming." "Not without you." "You've many knights sire...you'll be just fine."
"But I do not have many friends." He calls over another knight and they carry John to a wagon. Knight Watson pants hard and groans. "Well hell, if this is what I get for being your friend, I still wouldn't cease to be your friend. I am honored" he pants out in pain. Sherlock chuckles softly and stays by his side as the wagon heads back to the castle. "Wh-why do I m-matter? There's many men injured..."
"You're my only friend John." He says quietly. "And I will continue to be until the end, sir. I stand with you. Through any battle. You made my childhood a pleasant memory." He coughs and winces.
"Rest now." He gently pats his uninjured shoulder. He looks out of the wagon and tries to push this thoughts off of Watson and Nurse Hooper. In the distance he sees Moriarty's refreshed regime heading toward them.
King Sherlock jumps out of the wagon and rushes to the front lines. Almost immediately his front line gets killed before he can reach them. He yells and swings his sword. The clashes and pings of swords, shields and armor take over his hearing, as well as all the other soldiers, as many watch their friends and comrades get murdered ruthlessly, many of them dying to protect King Sherlock. He starts losing faith but thinks of Molly and continues.

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