Making a Splash

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Sherlock goes to a secluded area where the small pond has turned into a small lake. He undresses and dives into the lake. After awhile Molly settles Cassidy and Declan into the wagon, where Declan falls asleep again. Cassidy watches over him. "Cassidy, I'm going to look and see where the King went. I will return shortly, alright?" Molly kisses her forehead and strokes her cheek. She nods sleepily and cradles her now younger brother's head as he sleeps.

Molly wanders into the woods where the King had gone and comes to the open area, looking around. He's in the lake swimming, his clothes on a log. Her cheeks flush with color and she tries to head back without being noticed. However, she then hears him sobbing softly. Molly takes a deep breath and decides to be brave. She sheds the heavy layers of her dress which she salvaged from Moriartys castle before their departure and wades into the water. He's facing away from her and Molly places a gentle hand on his shoulder. He jumps a bit and turns to her slowly, turning red. 

"Tell me what's wrong..." 

He closes his eyes softly and turns away from her again. "I'll be out in a few moments." 

"Sherlock.." she says quietly and he tears up. "Right now you're're just you." 

"I've got a broken kingdom to rebuild."

"I know that. But look at what you've accomplished. Look at everything you've done. You have taken down the biggest threat and the biggest tyrant and evildoer of the nation." 

"And I've lost half the kingdom doing it. Not to mention the King and Queen." 

"I understand that must be hard on you, Sherlock. But they would be so proud of you. Yes, rebuilding will take time and effort, but I'm positive that everyone in London will be on your side. I know I will be. And I will help you with anything you need. I want to make it easier for you." 

He turns to her again and gently looks into her eyes. She looks into his and smiles comfortingly. Suddenly Sherlock leans forward and gently kisses her. Molly gasps and cups his cheek, returning the kiss softly and endearingly. The King keeps kissing her and cups her face. Molly moves closer to him, their bodies almost touching as she continues the kiss. After a short while, Sherlock breaks the kiss softly and closes his eyes. She feels panic begin to rise in her chest and she breathes raggedly. 

"I-I..oh my...what have I done.." He kisses her again before she can finish her sentence. "Hmmph..." King Holmes strokes her hair and Molly pants softly on his lips, her heart nearly beating out of her chest. "Your Majesty.." she murmurs. 

"I'm just Sherlock right now, remember" he mumbles, softly stroking her cheek. 

"Sherlock" she breathes out, her cheeks flushing red again. He moves away from her gently. "I am sorry. I am sorry..." she pants and quickly rushes out of the water, grabbing her dress from the log and running to the wagon.

His face falls and a few moments later he walks out of the trees wearing his clothes again. He gets into his seat, and stares straight ahead. Molly places a hand on his shoulder softly. "I only meant are royalty..and..I am not. I..I don't want to overstep my boundaries." 

He takes the reins and starts driving. "We'll be back at the castle in a day's ride. Then you can sleep in one of the castle's many rooms. You're more than welcome to stay there for as long as you'd like, the children as well. I won't be using the castle for a while. I need to take care of all this damage." 

"Oh.." her face falls a bit. "Right..well...thank you. I am very grateful."


"I need to make sure the children are well first. And anything I can do to help rebuild..."

"I meant in the moment."

"Oh. Yes..alright."

He drives the wagon and nearly twenty hours later they reach the castle, it's nightfall. All three of them are asleep, huddled in the wagon. He gently wakes Molly and lifts the boy in his arms. Molly rubs her eyes and smiles softly at him, then gently lifting Cassidy, who is small for her age, and follows the King into his castle.

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