A Risky Rescue

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Moments later, Sherlock and only six other of his men remain, drinking in the horror of the silence, and looking out to the fields of bloody bodies left in their wake. Mortuary workers from the castle who have waited on the sidelines rush out, but look somber, not knowing where to start the clean up. They bow to the King slowly then begin piling the bodies. A few saying prayers for the friends and comrades they lost, and a few more with tears in their eyes. 

King Sherlock begins to help when a worker interrupts. "Your Majesty, there is no need to help. We can take care of them. You have our word. Go and protect our country. Please...stop this war...if it isn't stopped, there's no hope of recovering...once he kills through our troops and castle workers, he will murder civilians if they refuse to honor him..."

The King nods softly and gets onto his horse. "I will stop this war." He rides off.

After days of travel, King Holmes finally reaches the Moriarty castle. He rides into one of the stables and gets off of his horse, "See to it that this horse is fed well. And also tell King Moriarty that I am here." The servant nods, terrified and rushes off.

Sherlock begins to release all the horses and animals and makes them gallop off. Moments later the servant comes running. He's a young boy around the age of eight.

"Is he coming?" 


 Moriarty grimaces and follows, sword in hand and yanks the boy back by his collar, clicking his tongue. "Ohh Sherlockkk. How many people have to die before you realize that you're not going to win?" 

"It's time we end this war." 

"I agree." He smirks and holds the sword to the boy's neck. 

"Killing people won't help."

"No. But every death is your fault. For keeping it going. For trying to win when you won't. All those lives. Everyone who has fought for you, has died because of YOU."

"This in between you and me. Not this boy." 

"Awww see? You've gone soft Sherly." 

"Stop hiding behind people and face me!" 

King Moriarty smirks, amused. The small boy has tears running down his face, completely frozen in fear. Sherlock stands strong with his sword drawn. Moriarty turns to the boy and traces his blade across his cheek, giving him a good long cut. "Stop crying boy. You're a pathetic excuse of a life." 

 Sherlock quickly grabs Moriarty by his neck and the boy runs. He turns and punches Sherlock across the face. The boy keeps running as fast as he can. Sherlock takes the punch and then kicks him in one of his shins. King Moriarty laughs evilly. "Of course you'd try that. Why, you're only a boy yourself." Sherlock punches him hard, and Jim grabs his fist and twists, snapping his wrist. Sherlock scream in pain. Moriarty scoffs and knees him in the groin until he falls to the ground. Sherlock groans softly and closes his eyes. 

"You don't lay a hand on her." 

"I can do what I like with /my/ servants. Well now she's a servant and my /personal/ nurse. If you get my jist", he says amusingly. Sherlock closes his eyes softly. 

"She's quite delicious. Too bad you didn't have a taste when you had the chance. Pity pity pity..." he clicks his tongue. "Hopefully her womb will swell with my heir sooner rather than later." He grins devillishly, amused with himself. Sherlock lunges and tackles him. Moriarty falls to the ground, trying to fight him off. Sherlock lands punch after punch onto Moriarty.

Suddenly the little boy appears with a sharp dagger but looks scared. Moriarty continues to laugh at King Sherlock as his own face gets bloodier and bloodier. He then rolls, returning the favor and pounding blow after blow among Holmes. Sherlock tries to fight him off. 

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