And They Lived Happily Ever After

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Molly goes to the children's quarters and demands them to stay in their rooms. She assigns guards to watch over them as she roams the halls, looking for the King. She stops to calm as many people as she can along the way.

Guards are locking down the front gates after news of the threat. Molly praises them for their quick actions and a couple of them are trying desperately to get her to hunker down in her quarters, but she refuses.

"I will not go until I know that the King is safe. He is the future of this empire, and I won't let any more harm come to him. As your future Queen, I demand you stand down."

They bow to her and allow her to continue her search, though they follow, keeping a close eye on her. Knight Watson rushes forwards and bows to her.

"My Queen, I have been informed by the royal enforcers that the threat has been dissipated. The people caught on the territory with arms were on their way to other lands, just passing through. They claim not to have seen the King, and they seemed genuine and have been released. I have looked all throughout the castle for him, I can't imagine where he went, but we have the guards still looking."

Molly's eyes go soft, and she lets out a breath she was holding. "I have an idea of where he could be. But I don't need guards." She looks at the guards pointedly and the bow and go away.

John bows. "Let me know if you need anything, my Queen."

"I will, John. Thank you."

Molly makes her way out to the gardens and through the cemetery gates. She immediately spots the kneeling form of the King, bowed over his parents' grave.

She walks up and places a hand on his shoulder gently. "Sherlock..."

He sniffles and looks up at her, squinting with the sun as it hits is ice blue eyes. "Molly, oh God, I'm sorry, I must have lost track of time."

"It's alright. Everything is fine. I was worried about you. Thought for a moment that maybe you were second-guessing your choice of me", says quietly.

"No, I could never. You're the one I want to serve as my Queen, I assure you. Nobody else. I am to marry you today, without distraction."

Molly smiles and kneels next to him, taking his hand. "I'm sorry they couldn't be here for this. I know they would be ecstatic and proud of you."

He nods and looks at her. "They would love my choice of Queen as well. And the fact that we have two children already. Not exactly tradition, but then I'm usually prone to do things differently than others", she chuckles lightly.

She giggles and nods, squeezing his hand. "Come now, my King. Let's get married. I am sure patrons will be flooding into the courtyard to celebrate with us."

"By the hundreds, I'd estimate. Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I have set up a proper coronation for you next week, as well as Cassidy and Declan as the royal princess and prince. You will be given my mother's crown. I am having crowns created for the children."

Molly tears up and beams. "This all still seems like a dream come true."

"Oh, it is, for me as well."

They take one another's hand and make their way back into the castle to prepare for matrimony.



The wedding was a success and as predicted, hundreds of their people had shown up to celebrate with their new King and future Queen. The children were being humbly taken care of by the maids and enjoyed their new schooling while Sherlock and Molly enjoyed their marriage bed for quite a few days.

A week later, the coronation day is upon them, and Molly is appointed as the new Queen. Cheers ring out throughout the kingdom and flowers are spread throughout the courtyard.

Once the King and Queen are united as one, Cassidy is coronated as the new princess and Declan as the new prince. The kingdom celebrates with their new leaders as the future of their empire is built back up, and stronger than it ever was before with Sherlock's strong leadership, backed up by Molly's humanitarian efforts as an honored Queen to stand strong with her husband. Not only that, but they now have heirs to the throne, to begin with, even if they have children together in the near future, which they plan to do.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End. 

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