New Year, New Challenges.

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You were standing in front of the mirror, looking at yourself and wondering why you were still so tired after 10 hours of sleep. It was the first day of your Junior year at Gotham University.

You were stressed and a little bit curious, but you couldn't really say that it would be a good day. Your best friend moved to Central City, hoping for a better life. You understood her choice, but it didn't change the fact that you were alone this year. The fact that this was your first time in Gotham University didn't really help. There were only a few people from your previous school that you knew (you weren't the social type), but you knew for sure that they didn't like you.

Unlike your ex-classmates, you were pretty good at everything. But it wasn't that simple: you were good, but not remarkable. You couldn't say that you were an expert in Maths, or a genius in physics. You were good, but not 'good good'. Everyone despised you, but what they didn't know, is that you were feeling lonely, worthless and misunderstood. Because everyone didn't like you, you only had Y/B/F/N for company, but now she was gone too.

After you decided that is was going to be a bad day, you accepted your fate and got ready for your first day of college. Because you didn't really care about how you looked, you left your house, wearing a dark blue hoodie and black jeans with some holes in it. Your hair was just in a messy ponytail.

You decided to walk slow (you didn't want to be alone before your first class started) and you almost arrived too late. Your first class was French. As you entered the room, you quickly looked around to see if you recognised any faces. There was only one guy in the back that you seemed to remember from last year, but the seat next to him was already taken. You had no other choice than to sit next to a girl that already began to irritate you.

*Time Skip*

Your fourth class, English, had just finished and you were heading to the cafeteria. The boy you recognised from your old school, Wilson, was walking next to you. You wanted to start a conversation, but the way he looked at you, annoyed and irritated, changed your mind. You decided to go to the bathroom first, so that you would have a little bit time to be on your own. As you walked through the hallway, you saw the girl that sat next to you in French, Jessica. She looked as if she wanted to cry and then you saw why: some tall dude was standing i front of her and you saw her books lying on the floor. You first wanted to ignore the problem, looking for another way to the bathroom, but Jessica started sobbing. You slowly turned around and walked closer, trying to be as silent as you could.

The guy was almost going to hit her when you said: "I wouldn't do that if I were you." 

The guy turned around, but when he saw that you were just some little girl, he ignored you. This made you mad and you pulled him back.

"She didn't do anything. Let. Her. Go."

He looked at you with anger and pushed Jessica away. She quickly grabbed her stuff and ran away without even looking at you.

'Why am I not suprised', you thought.

"So you think you have the right to tell me what to do? You probably can't even handle a ten-year-old."

You wanted to say something back, but suddendly he hit you in the stomach. You fell on the ground and you felt all the air escape your lungs.

The guy walked away: "Consider this a warning. If you even look at me again, you're dead."

You sat on the ground, suprised by what just had happened. You tried to hold back the tears and your vision became blurry.

"Are you okay, miss?"

You looked up and saw a dude standing in front of you. His clothes pointed out that he was a Senior. You quickly stood up, wiping away the upcoming tears. "I'm fine, thank you." Lyckily for you, your voice didn't crack. You looked at his face and were amazed by his bright, blue eyes. You quickly looked down and wondered what he thought of you. 'He probably thinks that I'm wasting his time.' 'I should've worn something more classy'

He picked up your backpack that was lying on the ground, and after he swiped the dust of it (or whatever that lies in a hallway), he gave it back to you. "Thanks!" "No problem, uhm..."

"Y/N... my name is Y/N."

"Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Dick Grayson."

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