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The whole day was filled with your thoughts about what happened in the morning. Who cared about school anyway - dreaming away was much better. You even doodled some eyes in History, and you were suprised how much they sort of resembled Graysons eyes. You wanted to erase them, but then changed your mind. 

The day was passing really slowly. When it was finally lunchtime, you rushed as fast as possible out of the class, enjoying your freedom. You didn't go to the cafeteria because you wanted to enjoy the sun for a little while, so you decided to go outside for a little bit. Little did you know that that was a bad idea.

Outside, you didn't see anyone, so you just sat on a table, next to a wall, and enjoyed your lunch. After a while, you heard some sounds nearby. You tried to ignore it at first, but it didn't stop. Eventually you decided to give in to your curiousity. When you got closer, you saw the bully from yesterday. You tried to silently go away, but he already saw you. At that moment you saw him slowly smile to you, and you knew that someting bad was going to happen.

You tried to run away as fast as possible. It didn't work. The situation was even worser, because now, he had some friends to back him up. When they got you, the started to play.

"Hey kitty, what are you doing here? Did nobody tell you're not supposed to sneak up on people?"

"Yeah girl, what would your parents say?"

"Tell me, do you have any money?"

After they pushed you to each other, took you money, dumped your lunch on your head, you started to hope that they were finished. Unfortunately, you were wrong.

The main guy pushed you into a wall. Your face smacked against it, and you started to feel dizzy. Somebody hit you in your side, you suddenly couldn't breathe. You were thrown on the ground and they started to kick you. You curled up in a ball to protect yourself as much as you could.

Yes, it hurt, but you didn't want to cry because of that. You felt embarrased, you felt like you were deserving it, you felt worthless.

The were still beating you up. Now they were to make it entertaining. They already ripped your favourite hoodie, your books were lying on the ground, ripped.

Suddenly, on of the guys is lying next to you on the ground.  The other ones stopped beating you up, and you were dropped on the ground. You looked up to see what caused the commotion, and to your suprise it was nobody else than Dick Grayson.

He looked furious. He didn't even bother to say something t those guys. He just punched them in the  face and before you knew it, they were also lying on the ground. He picked up your books and backpack, and before anyone could react, he picked you up and carried you away. You didn't even care what was happening. You just closed your eyes and sunk away.

Wings in the Night: Nightwing x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now