Chapter 1 - How I met Zoe

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Thanks for giving my book a chance and taking your time to read this, I hope you Enjoy ! ^-^


*Gabriella one week earlier*

"Totally up to see breaking dawn?" Zoey squealed joyfully and full of enthusiasm.

"Totally!" we all replied like usual.

We were going later this week to go watch breaking dawn and like always Zoey was the one to make it sound wild and cool.

I adored Zoey she was practically the cause of who I am now. Trust me I used to be hated I used to talk about everyone probably even you, but that was some deep stuff that Zoey took me out of.

My name is Gabrielle I'm 16 yrs old, the youngest of our group. My best friends are Zoey, Mackenzie,and Jasmine. There's also Julia and Brooke, but without us they'd survive. We usually need Zoey and if we don't have her we have each other, we're pretty tight friends hopefully we'll always stay like that, but only God knows.

"You guys better not cancel on me then, because if you do I'll go hunt you down and kidnap you!" she said in a british voice that had us burst out laughing.

That was another thing, Zoey was so funny. Well to us she was, others thought she was just crazy, but the truth was that Zoey lived life the way she wanted. She always lived up to the saying, "Live life while you can," which to Zoey it meant if your living today, go crazy then!


Now enough about Zoey let's hear what she did for me and the reason why we're friends.


"Hey are you alright?"asked a soft voice I didn't recognize, probably just a loser.

With so much sarcasm and venom in my voice I exclaim, "Are you stupid or something? Apparently you are! I mean you see a girl crying and you ask are you alright?"

"Sorry about that, but if i thought you were happy I would've hugged you. Imagine you're sad and then I end up hugging you and tell you congrats even though I don't know you. I'd just look stupid because I hugged you when I don't even know you, plus the fact that you're sad!" she says taking a big breath after.

I just look at her and burst out laughing when all of a sudden I hear giggles. I hadn't looked up once and when I do I'm looking into my former best friend Mackenzie's eyes and two random girls from my class who I can't seem to remember their names. Wow what can make this an even more awkward scene,I mean seriously my former best friend?

Apparently the girl who had me cracking up could because the next thing she said was "Im Zoe, but if you are someone I like and want to be friends with I'll let you call me Zoey the name only Jasmine and Mackenzie get to call me." Then she pulled me up by the arm and said to me not with pity, but friendliness, "So come on get up Gabrielle and tell us what's wrong."

At first I wondered how she knew my name when I didn't even know hers and Then it hit me. I'm Gabrielle Weltz 'The Gossiper of Gossipers." Little did I know she was no longer going to be Zoe, but from then on Zoey to me.

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