Chapter 5 - Akwardness

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 *Mackenzie's P.O.V*

I wake up to 'Mr. Know It All' on my radio playing.I would've fell asleep to the music,but the fact that my pillow was wet,woke me up alerted.Then I remember about the fact that I had cried myself to sleep last night.Travis...whoa,such a cute name.If only I could really care less and not just act it.It hardly mattered though I would never stand a chance with the way I acted yesterday.Ugh! Stubborn! Stubborn that's what I am...Whatever...

I get out of bed and take a half hour shower.I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a low-cut green neckline shirt.I grabbed my light green converses and put them on.Then I grabbed a sweater and spotted my nerd glasses on my night stand.I grabbed those and threw them in my bag.Who knows,Zoey might call a meeting today...By the time I'm ready,my phone beeps;7:55...I'm out the door,waiting by the tree when Travis lurks behind it with a red nose.

"Oh my God!Travis,how long have you waited out here? I said 8:01 not 7:00am" I shouted.

"Chill out,I've only been here since 7:50.Why so worried?" he asks smirking." about the fact that your nose is red?" he looks offended so I continue by laughing.

"Don't worry,it suits you!"

He lunges and grabs me then pins my arms to the tree, "Say your sorry!"

"I'm sorry,you look cute in pink!" I say,laughing my head off.

Then a car beeps. We both turn and see Zoey and the girls in it . He moves away, but before entering the car,he says "At least I am cute!"

I don't know if I should've been offended or if he just meant I just said he looked cute? Whichever I just glared at him and laughed.That's what I do in awkward situations.Actually, now that I mention it,I do that in all situations...

 *Gabriella's P.O.V*

As soon as Travis and Mack enter the car,Brooke stares,Jasmine and me stare with our mouths open. Zoey doesn't for some reason, just says "Hey Travis,joining us for a ride I see?"

He shrugs, "I don't mind walking but Mackenzie insisted"

"Did not." she shouts glaring, "I asked once and you didn't even take a breath before saying yes."

"Liar, you were nervous when you asked!"

"Again,did not! You scared the crap out of me, that's why it seemed like I was nervous!"

Wow,seems like they're boyfriend and girlfriend or something.Yep...good thing I brought my nerd glasses, there's definitely gonna be a meeting today.They keep arguing until Zoey stops the car and gasps. We turn and what we see makes everyone gasp except me and Travis.

Jason has his arms around Julia and Julia's arms are around his neck. "Come on, sit with me and the guys today," Jason pouts.

"Not until I tell.." Zoey beeps the horn,which makes them turn around making Julia ends the sentence with "them."

"I guess you found a ride Julia" Zoey says mimicking Jason, then back to her normal voice saying

"Today all of us lunch brink the necessities!" Then she drives off crazy mode,leaving Julia in tears on the ground with Jason trying to get her up.

Travis breaks the silence halfway there, "What the hell was that about?" All of us shrugged, even Zoey.We're not allowed to talk about our codes.

Travis just sighs making Zoey say shrugging, "She just did something we have to deal with."

That levaes Travis quiet.Probably scared of what she'd said.I guess he should.Hopefully his first day goes better...

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