Chapter 9 - The Date or Meeting Someone Sweet?

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*Gabrielle's POV*

Before going in the car, I look at myself in the mirror one more time. I was wearing a blue mini-skirt and a white tank top. Yes, this is what Julia picked out for me. I couldn't deny the fact that the outfit made me look hot not sexy, I mean I'm not trying to go for the slutty look with a guy who I have to admit is superhot, but not enough to dress up slutty on for the 1st date.

Besides that I had on white socks and sapphire converses. Makeup? Light pink lip-gloss, Mascara, and blue sparkly eyeliner at the end of my eyes. What? I love blue. Especially baby blue and sapphire!!!

Besides that my hair was straightened, I shaved my legs smooth, and was wearing a real white Gucci coat. I looked beautiful...or so I thought. After looking at myself, I went out the door and Travis was standing there with a red rose.

Pretty? Sure, but thats the first sign he's not my meant-to-be. My meant-to-be will bring me a special rose. I'm not telling what type, but a special rose. I took it and sniffed it, smiled and grabbed him by his arm, pulling him to the car while saying thanks.

He opens the door for me then after shutting it close, he runs to the other side on his door. We ride all the way quiet. Or at least I was. Travis was singing his head of to some song on station...I'm not sure. And trust me, he was so off beat.

I know I'm such a loser, but I do keep to some of my Christanity. I listen to Christian music, and sure I have a few favorite songs that are not Christian but hey! They're actually written with a true Meaning. Anyways, when we got there, we got out the car, I felt relief and without meaning to, I let out a sigh.

"I sang that bad, huh?" Travis says with his puppy eye look.

"No,no," I lie, knowing it came out sounding like one too.

"Liar! Right away, I know your lying and I've only known you for about a week."

"Yeah, then explain to me what gives?"

"Your soothing voice," a voice so smooth it can't be Travis. Travis voice is sort of husky and rough. I turn around.

"Elle," I catch his eye just as he says my name.


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