Chapter 2 - Each friends personalities!!!!

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Mackenzie was always amazing nice and pretty. She still is and hopefully always will be. There really was no reason to ditch her in fifth grade it's just the fact that Zoe came along and she didn't like me, so I didn't like hanging with Mackenzie when she was with her.Which was like all the time which is why we just stopped talking. She tried, but it was too late I was a follower of my other best friend Julia. Julia was technically like popular which is also the reason why I became a gossiper. After that people knew not to start with me I was no longer the sweet funny girl Mackenzie knew. I was the new gossiper people feared to talk to about problems of there own. I was the new Bitch.

I still remember the day I met Mackenzie though, that's why I never messed with her and always defended her no matter the fact that we were no longer best friends.

*Flashback to the day she meets Mackenzie*

"OK Gabrielle this is your new class! I hope you have a great year and don't end up in my office again unless your there for a prize or something," my new guidance counselor said encouragingly, but stern at the same time.

My only answer was "Yes" but to bad for the fact that later that week I soon got in some major trouble. Hey don't judge! I was only a fourth grader plus it was my first week I didn't know what was right from wrong in that school. My trouble was just a warning that the next time I'd be expelled.

Anyways so the guidance counselor put me in the front of the line where a girl tapped me on the back and said gleefully, "Hey my names Mackenzie's what's yours?"

That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Well for that year at least until 7th grade.


Jasmine.....How um do I start to describe her? She's amazingly beautiful. She would be able to get any guy she wanted it's just the fact that she's shy. In 7th grade a guy named Jason asked her out. They broke up the next week. Apparently she wouldn't go past sitting next to the guy, so Jason thought if a girl is too shy to kiss him they shouldn't be together. Jasmine didn't really have a problem with it but it was obvious the rest of the year though that she wasn't over her him. Though this year she was more into older guys, she ended up falling for Travis too.

Jasmine was not only shy but she was self-conscious. Sometimes...okay no all the time. Every time we had gym she mentioned she was FAT. Trust me if you were to see Jasmine you'd say otherwise. Jasmine was as skinny as a stick and that's not something to be ashamed about, but whatever there's just no convincing Jasmine that. Jasmine also calls anyone a bitch if they give her an attitude or are mean to her or if teachers give you a low grade. She's not smart or dumb,but it doesn't really matter because she wants to be a model and she says that models go to modeling school where there's no need of math or language arts. I think otherwise but hey what can you do when that girl is your best friend?


Julia is Dominican. She is pretty, funny, smart, and friendly...if she likes you. She is popular and as i mentioned before she is the reason I used to be a gossiper. Though I don't really care because if I wasn't a gossiper I probably wouldn't have ever met Zoey.

(Now on to our girl codes)

*Our Friendship Codes*

*Secrets or whatever we talk about is private and stays between us!


*If your Best Friends ex asks you out you can not go out with them. This especially means you can't ask them out! -Mackenzie * If your Best Friend goes to her boyfriends house to go out or chill and they tell there parents their at your house you have to cover for them! Because you know they'd do the same thing for you.


* No secrets between your Best Friends, say what's on your mind when everybody is there together as a group! This will be so there are no secrets within each other. ~ Brooke

* No matter what you can't be jealous of your friend over anything! This will keep our friendship pure.


*If your friend is being bothered by someone you have to defend and comfort her even if it means being bullied yourself. This will prove you a true friend!


*Exceptions To Rules*

*If at the end of our conversation we don't say something like "This is private" then it'll be okay to tell others and not break the code.

*If your friend went out with there are 2 exceptions.

-Exception 1 is the fact that your in love which you'd have to have some hard-core proof for.

-Exception 2 means we have to have a meeting.

(Example): I'm dating Julia's ex and nobody knows. when they find out Julia decides whether it's okay or not. Which if you're friends it will practically be like a forced yes which we don't want to do. So Me, Mackenzie, Jasmine, and Brook decide. Whatever the decision is makes it final. If it's a tie then Zoey makes the final decision since through her we became best friends.

* If the friend went out with her boyfriend and didn't tell the other friend to cover then there's your exception!

* If you don't want your secret to be known because it will hurt us or hurt yourself then your excepted from the rules but if we can help in any way then you have to tell us!

* The only exception to this rule if everyone agrees on the fact that there's something to be jealous about.

* There is no exception to this rule because you would want to be defended too!

*Result of Breakage to rules*

* If you tell anyone a secret from one of our conversations well have to have the meeting I mentioned before and see how long not to include you in our conversations where we talk about our secrets, but we will talk to to you though.

* If you date your Best Friends ex it's an automatic betrayal!!! You will no longer be part of our friendship!! No matter if you break up with the guy you shouldn't have gone out with him in the first place. To win back your spot into our life's you will have to do something so loyal to us and even if you are our friend again things will never be the same.

* If you don't tell us your secret there will be no consequence just the fact that we always will wonder if your really our best friend since you can't trust us enough to confide in us.

* If you don't defend your friend we will not defend you depending on a meeting we have to have.


Hey i know i'm sorry i'm late on the upload and it's short but to write more than one page takes long and it's time that i don't have sorry!

One Guy,Four girls,Which One?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora