Chapter 7 - The Situation

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-Next Day At Linch-

*Gabrielle's POV*

Oh my Gosh, what the hell am I gonna tell them? Were going through the whole thing we do every meeting. I know the meeting seems stupid since we're 16/17 year-olds, but hey! Don't judge. When we made it up we were in middle school! I know, not much a difference when you say it like that. So think of it as 11/12 year-olds. Anyways, how am I gonna tell them?

I should've made Julia come, it's all her fault I mean she did have Jason talk to Travis to ask me out, she said I was "lonely" and needed "to go out" and some other crap. 

"So Abrie, tell us what's happening on Friday?" Zoey asks.

Everybody looks at me with what's supposed to be question eyes. Ugh! I'm the reason were all here for a meeting the 2nd time in 1 week. They're gonna be so jealous when I tell them. That or either mad.

"Um..." I fidget with my fingers while saying really quickly they probably didn't understand.


"What?" Everyone except Jasmine asks. Jasmine said, "You asked him out?"

"No! No! No way!!

"Then how are you going on a date with him?" she asks accusingly. I'm totally hurt. Jasmine, sweet Jasmine just insulted me?! She just said why would a guy ask me out? I must look hurt because everyone's scolding her and she mumbles sorry before slouching back in her chair. She must be really pissed because Jasmine does not slouch and I mean not ever! I guess she notices that because she recovers herself and says clearly "Sorry. Continuar por favor."

We all laugh. I know she's still mad, but at least she loosened up. Either for my benefit or hers, but I know in reality its for her.

I continue anyways. "Yesterday on my way to class, he asked me. I didn't expect it at all. He just grabbed my arm. I turned around and he was looking at the floor shyly when he asked if I liked to go ice skating. I was all like sure what time? He was like great, see you Friday at 10:00pm.I asked Wait 10? Why so late?His response was I thought I'd teach you some things afterwards.My stupid self asked at night in the dark?His only response was no more details, it's a surprise! So yeah that's what happened. Don't worry, I'm not that interested."

"But you still are." Mackenzie teases. That's why we get along. Best friends since 4th grade and 3 days older than me, Mackenzie is funny and can lighten the mood.

"Whatever!" I say.

The bell rings, we all kiss on the cheek and on our way out were all laughing.


Three more days! Just three more. I know I sound like a little girl, but it's my first date... this school year. Ha! And like when I met Zoey there are more here in California that are straight foward. Most of them are too straight-foward. I don't mind though, it's better than nothing right?

About a dozen of girls have asked me. One blonde even came in the boys locker room saying she forgot something. In there, for reals?! I'm cute not stupid!!

Gabrielle...she's pretty, but it seems like she's the play hard to get type. I mean when I asked her out, which I was going to do anyways but was encouraged to do so even more when Julia had Jason talk to me to ask her out, but the thing is she just kept questening me. I mean I know I'm hot so why didn't she just accept? Nope she's definetly the play hard to get type.

Whichever it doesn't matter. Once I find out if Gabrielle's the right girl for me, I'll date her. If she's not my next goal is Mackenzie. She's cute I mean she seems like she doesn't have a care in the world for me when she's with her friends, but when she's only around me, I can tell she totally wants me.

I want to save Zoey for last. I want to see if she's willing to fight for me. Jasmine...Oh my god! Sexy Jasmine, I'll convince her. Trust me, I will! Forget the no relatives rule, I'm so going to get her, but one step at a time...Gabrielle.

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