Chapter 11: Knowing Juliana Better

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Okay guys I'm back!!!! Finally!! Sorry for the long wait I deeply apologize. So I'm continuing this fanfic like I promised but let me give you a heads up..... I do not know where I left off! So yea the story may not make any sense since I'm too lazy like way to lazy to reread the whole story. So forgive me for that also and lastly I know that the way that I write is not that professional but I am doing my best!!! So yea now let's continue with the story!!!

Juliana POV...

Well I guess I attracted some unwanted attention yesterday huh? Oh well I'll be leaving after breakfast so yea. Walking down the corridors of Liberty Manse, I made my way to the dining room. Once I face the tall elaborate door of the dining room, I gave a quick thought of Liberty that it never ceases to amaze me. Even the door!

Opening the heavy golden door, I saw a long brown table with 3 princes sited on the right and the rest on the left.

"Julie! Come sit next to me!" Roberto pointed to the chair that was unoccupied next to him.

"No she will be sitting next to me! I did invite her to Liberty anyways. That now she has to do me a favor." Keith yelled over Roberto's plea.

"Now now gentlemen, don't you think she should decide where to sit?" Edward's calm voice soothes my ears from the bickering of the other two princes on where I should sit.

"Yes, I agree. It is her choice to sit wherever she wants." Wilfred agrees with Joshua nodding.

Which that said I sat next to Wilfred on the right. "So how was the ball yesterday? Did you like the song that I played?" I asks all the princes while I felt a cold jealous glare from someone.

"Like it? I loved it! I can't believe you played that song once! Can you play it again?" Roberto looks desperately at me.

"Of course! What about you Glenn? You haven't spoken when I came." I said while looking at Glenn.

"It's well played. Are you sure that you only played it once before yesterday?" He looks at me while everyone's gaze is on me. "Yes, it's easy to be honest. I don't know why everyone thinks it's hard.but once you know how to play it can be extremely fun. Want me to teach you?" I beamed.

"As a Prince we don't have time to play. We have a kingdom to rule." Joshua's comments harshly. Sometimes I don't understand him honestly. Yesterday he was so nice now mean. Ugh what is he even thinking.

"For you it may but it is also important to make time for other things. Surely you still have time from you schedule to do something as you please." Wilfred gave a stern gaze to Joshua. "Yea same here! I'll always make time for my dear Julie!" Roberto shouted.

"Thanks but it's alright. If you have a busy schedule I don't want you to make time just to learn a piece of music. You have much more important stuff to do." I give a soft smile after saying that. Seeing the food finally come with butlers serving them, we all dig in to our breakfast which consists of hash browns, waffles, fruits and orange juice. (I'm sorry I don't know what royalties eat for breakfast and I am also too lazy to google.)

Taking a bite of my juicy Apple, Edward asks," Juliana, do you do anything else but play piano. Like outdoor activities."

Looking at Edward in the eyes I answer,"Hmm, you know I play various musical instruments but out door active let's see... Well I do archery, horse back riding, swimming, polo, street basketball and other sports. But I usually spend most of my time inside doing other things."

Well those are true but I only do those things when on vacation and let me tell you that every place Aunt Sierra choose it has no internet. Seeing the shock faces of everyone I started to laugh.

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