Chapter 28: Mother?

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Juliana's POV...

"Juliana. Juliana, wake up." That voice! I know that voice! Not the voice that I had been hearing in my dreams, well yes, but the same voice that I heard from the past! Shooting my eyes open, I was greeted by the same foggy room. "Your that same person from the past! Right?" I frantically search the room in order to find the person. "You finally remember me. But do you know who I am." The melodious voice triggered a person, no, my mothers face in my head?

It can't be can it?! It has to be, the same soothing voice but how? "Mother?" I said in my usual tone to see a slender figure walk up to me. The same curly brown hair, same beautiful bright purple eyes and calming voice. It is her! "Mother!" I ran up to her with her arms open widely. I begin to sob on her chest as I look up to see her same joyful face.

"I have missed you so much." She said as she hugs me tighter. "But I am just a spirit." She sadly says. "I don't care. I don't care if your in a spirit form but why are you here?" I slowly let go of my mother's grasp as she open her mouth to speak. "I have came to tell you something very important." Her beautiful, calming face turned serious. What can it possibly be? "I am only going to say this once so you better listen attentively."

Giving a nod, she starts to continue with what she has to say. "What ever Agustin says don't ever listen to him. Even when he says the horrible truth. Same for my older sister, Katalia. That is her real name but she hates it for some reason I do not know of so we call her, Kat." I look at her wide eye as she continues,"she has been jealous with me since I had fallen in love with your father. Before that she was always the cheerful protective older sister but when I married him, she went crazy. So she joined the mafia and became Agustin's assistant. Like Agustin said before, he killed Sierra but that was not her. It was all a trick from her."

What!she has been alive for all this time!"She has protected you till that night but will continue protecting you no matter what. She is in the pentagon right now trying to find you. She still believe that when you vanished to your original world, she had a feeling that Agustin will attack again. And she was right. So never give up hope. That's what he wants from you. To be hopeless, defenseless and unloved. And she was the same person you saw but as an FBI that time. But when time has past, she got a spot in the CIA and gladly accepted" That moment when my mother said 'unloved' I remember Robbie's happy face playing over in my mind. Tears trickle down my face when she said that with my heart feeling stabbed by many arrows. I didn't care what she said after that but I still kept that sentence in my head, but really Robbie is the only person I am thinking about right now.

It can't be?cant it? I am in love with him. With Robbie? I really am. Another tear trickle down my face as I thought of him. "But in the other world, your world, Roberto and the rest of the princes including Mike and the butlers, they are trying their best to find you. Especially Roberto. So don't feel hopeless, defenseless or unloved. Know that your father, Sierra, the princes, Mike, the butlers and I live you very much. Even when my husband, your father isn't here to show him his spirit towards you. Know that help will be on the way and you will return to your original world. But once you do, you will be overcome with many emotions. When you were at your original world, you told many lies and never said the full truth."

She's right. I still feel bad for that. But why did I even do that! Looking back at them I realized that all of that was unnecessary. "But even so, they will never care. Because you came back to them. Tell them what you had endured and then they will realize what you have been through and understand. So be happy, loved and know that help is on the way. You are a special girl my dear daughter, Juliana. But once you get back to your original world, be yourself, be happy and know that Sierra, your father and I will always think of you and be by your side. I will not be talking to you again nor you will hear me or see me. This is the last time before your time. Goodbye you sweet daughter."

Mother started to fade away in the darkness as I look at her full of happiness. Even when she leaves I will never give up hope again. Now I know what is truly happening. I shouted goodbye to her fading, flying figure as I wake up from my sleep.

How was it? I know that the chapter is small but still it's good right? Lots of questions answered and best of all Juliana finally found out she loves Roberto!!! Until the next chapter, bye. Unedited.

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