Chapter 19: The National Library

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Juliana POV...

Three days have passed since I visited Altaria, on the 3rd day in Altaria, there wasn't much to do since I was leaving after lunch. Now, I'm in Nobel Michel's library. I honestly don't know by I'm here since I read all the books that were or looked interesting to me, but, I can't put my finger on it. I continue to walk aimlessly around the gigantic library when I remembered about the path that wasn't lit.

Oh yeah that path! The path that was dark. I remembered while trying to find it. Where was it again? I asked myself as I continue to find it. After a few minutes of searching in the library, I gave up. I will never find it. Not now at least, but maybe later on in the day, night perhaps.

"Promise me you will only come in the day . Never in the f-" I started to rub my temples in pain after remembering something. Feeling my forehead sweaty, I thought what could that mean? Now that I actually think about that what does it mean?i questioned myself after recalling someone say that. No, I could also be something. A ghost perhaps. No, it can't be true! I yell in my head before i drag my back down a shelf I was leaning on.

I should stop thinking about that now. It is for the best. But what do I do now? Oh yeah! I remembered about going to the national library but I canceled it since I had to attend a ball at Liberty! Maybe I should go there and do my unfinished research about Mike's granddaughter.

But first I should call Zain to inform him about my leaving.


"Excuse me but do you have any book about Noble Michel's granddaughter?" I ask the librarian when I arrived at the national library. I would look for it myself but the thing is the library is twice the size of noble Michel's library. So if I couldn't find a dark unlit corner, then I have no chance in finding a book. A book in a library twice the size. "Yes we do. Please follow me." The female librarian starts to lead me the way until she stops.

"This is an entire section about the Michel's. I think you will find what you need here." The librarian quickly left back to her counter to do what she needs. When I look at the section about the Michel's, there is only one word to explain it. Large. The bookshelves are so tall I wonder how you can get books from that high and I'm not even finish about the shelves. But all I can tell you is that they have. A lot of books.

After getting some books about Noble Michel's family, I proceed my way to a nearby table. Gently placing the books on the table, i opened a book and start to read. Turning page after page, I wasn't getting what I was looking for. Instead, I get books about the history of Nobel Michel and the island.

I'm not going to get anywhere if they s keeps up. Right now my main objective is to find a book about Mike's granddaughter, Juliana Luna Michel. Going back to the shelves to find a book, I wasn't getting what I was looking for.

This is never going to work out! At this pace the sun will set and then I will have to go back to the castle. I mean like I can always come back tomorrow but I guess I am too determined to find it now. While continuing to find an book about Juliana, I saw something at the corner of my eyes.

Turning my head, I walk down the isle to be greeted by a large oak door. Not knowing if I am allowed to go inside, I opened the door. When I opened the door, I saw even more books. But they are dusty, extremely dusty. All the other books were dust free but these books are dusty. So dusty that you can't even read what is has on the side. I grab a book off the shelf and dusted off the cover. It has no name? Why is that? I ask myself when I search the cover of the book?

Not knowing the name of the book, I opened the book to find the words 'My Diary' written in elegant bold hand writing. A diary, I wonder who it belongs to. Flipping the high quality paper, I read a random entry.

Dear diary,

Today I am getting married to the love of my life, Jessica.
I'm so happy I can't contain my happiness. Especially after what we have over come.
Having everyone accept her is one of my wishes.
But, my main wish is making Jessica mine.
After being separated, reunited, and many more obstacles that we had faced, we over came it together.
Now we are getting married.
After that I will look forward to a new addition to the family.
But, right now I need to make sure the wedding goes smoothly.

~Adam Michel

So this diary belongs to Adam. Mike's son and Jessica is his fiancée. So if this is a diary belonging to Adam then this book might have something to do with Juliana! And the there might as well!

Getting books out of the shelf, I place them on top of a table that I had found in the middle of the small room. Sitting on the wooden seat, I open some books and start to read.

"Juliana..... Juliana...." Huh, where am I? I ask myself while looking around but all I was greeted with was the fog. "Do you remember me?" The voice says softly. Wait I know that voice. Not know it but I heard it before when I was in Noble Michel's library.

"You.. You were that voice!" I shouted. "Now now. You don't need to shout. I am friendly. You will remember me soon. Now tell me why you are looking for information about the heir of Nobel Michel?" The voice says again. "Why well that's because I'm interested that's all." I answer while looking around the foggy place.

"Why look for it? The answer is closer than you think." The voice spoke. When I was about to open my mouth to speak the voice spoke again. "This library has nothing about the heir that you are looking for. You must go back to the other library. There and then you will have to find that corner agin then you will find your answer. Sleep well my child. You have another day ahead of you."

"Wait! Why are you helping me? You don't even know me!" I shout while looking for the person. But the only response I got was 'you will know it soon.'  "Wait!"

Interesting right? Of course it is! Who wouldn't be so comment on what or who you think the voice is. Until next time! Unedited.

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