stuck on the streets

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(roses pov)

8:00 pm

I'm laying on my bed looking at cute ddlg pictures on google when my parents barge in to my room with my computer.

I look at my desk because I thought it was on there but I guess it wasn't, well now I'm fucked.

"do you want to explain to us why you've been looking at this disgusting shit?!" they yell at me showing a me the computer that has a ddlg information page pulled up

before I even got a chance to explain they started yelling again


by this point I have tears running down my face and my dad only looks annoyed by my crying. he grabs me by my hair and I whimper in pain as he throws me to the floor and kicks me readably, telling me how much of a piece of trash I am and how I should die and a lot of other really mean things. about ten minutes later he finally stops and says he wants me out of the house. Its the middle of winter and I don't even bother grabbing a jacket as I whimper and limp to the front door and out into the cold night in nothing but my shorts and a sweater.

I walk to the near by park and sit on a bench and start cry as everything that just happened sunk in.

after a little bit I calm down and then it suddenly hits me that Its almost below freezing and I'm shaking pretty bad from how cold I am. I look at my phone and its now 8:30

(justins pov)


I'm driving from a meeting an auction house because I was searching for my little. sadly I found no interest in any of the girls there so I ended up leaving early. this auction house was in a very odd place and I found my self getting lost. I drive around for about 30 minutes with no idea where I'm going until I cross this small park. I see a girl shaking, what is she doing out here this late at night? and where are her clothes?! its nearly freezing out side! I quickly pull up to her and roll down my window.

"excuse me mis, are you okay?" she looks at me scared for a minute and shakes her head yes.

"do you have a place to go" she shakes her head yes again but I could tell that she was lying by the way her face scrunched up a little and her body became tense.

"don't lie to me" my voice held a hint of authority. she whimpers and shakes her head no

I get out of the car and walk around to the other side, opening it up and motioning for her to get in.

"I promise I'm not going to hurt you, you'll freeze to death out here, I cant let you sleep out here, please just come and stay with  me" I held desperation in my voice because I really did not want to leave her out here.

she gets up and slowly walks to the car, getting in.

I close the door gently and go back to my side, getting in and turning on the heater to full blast.

"you must be freezing honey" she doesn't respond, she just sticks her tiny hands in front of the heater. I turn to look at her and that when I get to truly look at her. and damn! she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! she looks so small and innocent. I think I've finally found my little. it is now my goal to protect her and make her mine.

"what's your name sweetie?"

she bites her lip and id be lying if I said it wasn't the cutest thing ever

"Rose.. Rose Night" she whispers.

"what are you doing out here rose?"

tears suddenly feel her eyes and she whimpers

" they kicked me out" I'm guessing they is her parents so I just hug her and let her cry. but she ends up gasping in pain when I touch her.

"what's wrong sweetie" she shakes her head crying harder.

" okay, lets just get back to my place"

I drive off and with in a matter of about 20 minutes I'm at my house.

she stares in aw

" this is your house?!" she asks in shock.

I laugh

"yep" I get out and open the door for her but I end up just picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the front door taking her up to one of the spare bedrooms.

"I'm going to go start you a bath so you don't get sick from being in the cold"

I leave the room and come back to show her where it is.

I am about to leave when she whispers

"wait.. will you stay in here with me "

"are you sure"

"yeah" she whispers

and honestly I wasn't going to push it any further so I turned away so she could get out of her clothes and I waited for her to say okay before I turned back around to see her body hidden under all the bubbles. I sit on the toilet and watch her place with the bubbles.

I see her try to wash her hair but she continues the winch in pain.

that's when I notice a few bruises on her arm.

"honey how did you get thoughs bruises?"

she stays quit

"did your parents do that to you" she looks down and nods and I feel anger growing inside me

"are there anymore?" she shakes her head no but I know she's lying.

"let me see them" she moves a little bit to show me her stomach which is covered in one big blue and purple bruise

I gasp as she sits back down staring down.

I put soap in my hands and wash her hair. "just relax sweetie"

I wash her hair then gently wash her body, being super careful not to hurt her. then I cover my eyes and put a towel around her and carry her back to the bedroom and lay her on the bed

there I let her put on a pair of my boxers and on of my shirts, their really big on her but they'll ave to do for right now. I raise the shirt up to show the bruise and I gently kiss it before putting cream on it to help the pain go away and let it heal faster. I pull the shirt back down and smile at her as she yawns. I pull her head up to the pillows and put her under the covers.

I was about to walk out when she asks me to stay in a whisper. I take off everything but my boxers and get in on the complete end of the bed to try to give her her space but she just runs over and moves against me, laying her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her protectively and wait till I know she's asleep before letting my eyes close.

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