Lost in space

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Roses POV
Daddy makes my bottle, I become impatient and move around so he sets me down on the floor. I crawl out of the kitchen and into daddy's study. Just as soon as I get in, two strong arms are picking me up and turning me around. Daddy places me on his hip as I frown.
"You can't play in there baby" he speaks like you would to a 2 year old and i love it.
I point to the room and make baby noises.
"No, Princess. Now how about your baba? Hmm? Who wants their baba?" He says with excitement.
I get distracted and completely forget about the office and reach for my baba, bouncing up and down.
He holds the baba away from me.
"Noo, let daddy help"
He sits down on the couch and sets me on his lap.
I point to the TV with excitement and he turns it on and puts on tangled. Daddy grabs the baba and places it to my lips. I open my mouth and start to suck.

Daddy's POV
"Good girl" I whisper.
I definitely need to baby proof the house. She's quite the explorer, I don't want her getting hurt.
She blushes and watches the movie. When she's done with her bottle I take it out of her mouth and put in her paci. I pick her up and take her to her room, laying her on the changing table. The confused expression is just priceless. She's too cute 😍. She realizes why we're in there when she sees the diaper.
She starts to try to crawl away and whine but I smack her thigh just enough to get her attention. She starts to tear up and cry so I jingle a set of toy keys infront of her face and she forgets all about the diaper. I hand the keys to her and she puts them in her mouth, biting them. I quickly change her into a diaper before she gets bored with the keys. I make sure it's tight enough and then clap my hands and say "All done!"
She moves around and frowns, not use to the feeling. She starts to tear up.
Aww the poor baby, she just has to get use to it.
I pick her up and cradle her
"Shhh, there's no need to cry pumpkin, it's okay, it's not that bad"
She cries louder and I pat her back and continue to shush her, deciding to let her cry herself out.
Ten minutes later and she's hiccuping with red eyes and sticky cheeks.
"Better now, sweetie?"
She nods and sucks her thumb.
I kiss her head.
"Good girl, do you wanna play in your playpen until lunch is ready?"
She shakes her head and holds onto me tighter.
"What if I put the playpen in the kitchen so you still be with daddy?" I ask with excitement in my voice, hoping she'll go for it.
She looks like she's thinking about it for a moment then nods.
"Okay baby, daddy has to put you down for a second" I say with caution, setting her down on the floor in the living room. She makes grabby hands and starts to pout.
"No pouting, sweetie, daddy will be right back. Look!!" I grab the ABC building blocks. "Do you know your ABC's baby?"
She gets excited and nods.
"Could you show daddy?" She nods, happily and starts putting the letters in a line, not in the correct order but that's okay. I get caught up in watching her cute little face as she tries to figure out where the next block goes. I remember what I'm supposed to be doing and rush to the back room with the playpen, dragging it into the kitchen, putting some of her toys in it. After I'm done with that I go back into the living room to see her putting the last block. She got A B and C then it skips to R T L and so on. I gasp.
"Good job baby girl!! You're so smart!"
She giggles and claps her hands.
I grab her, setting her on my hip.
"Now how about some lunch?" She nods again
"Use your words baby, can you say yes, please?"
She looks at me confused then whispers softly "peez?"
I rub her head. "That's right honey, very good!"
She hides her face in her hands. I kiss her hands and set her down in the playpen and start to make her a sandwich with grapes and carrots.
I look back to check on her and she's playing with her dolls, she's having a full conversation with her Barbie doll and her teddy bear. How cute, she has such an imagination. I silently say dream about how cute she is then pick her up because I can't resist having her in my arms. She holds onto me tightly.
She squeals and holds on tightly.
I set her down in her high chair and buckle her in.
She was about to start crying but I pulled up a chair next to her and start to feed her.
She eats all of her food and then makes grabby hands. I take her out and wash her up then set her down in the living room to watch princesses.

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