Potty training

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(Roses POV)

Half way through the movie and I really has to go potty. I don't wanna use the dippey! Dats embarrassing. I frown and hold it in.

I've been holding it in for sooo long, it hurts! I start to wiggle around and move myself into a position to where I can hold it better.
When I can't hold it any longer I whisper to daddy.
"Daddy I has to go potty!" My voice is a desperate whine.
"Use your dippey, sweetie." He speaks nicely
"Nu! Me use big girl potty!!" I whine louder and start to move around more.
"No. Now use your dippey" his voice is more stern this time and I whimper and start to cry.
"Go potty." He warns.
"No!" I scream at him, crying more
"Little girl, either go potty or I'll make you, it's not good to hold it in" He looks so serious and it makes me scared but I'm still not going potty! I sit there and cry and when he realizes that I'm not going to listen he flips me down on the couch. He pens my hands above my head. "This is your last chance.." his voice is mean and I no wike! No! He can't really make me use it! I won't! I fight to get my arms free but it's useless, he's a lot stronger than me. I continue to fight and kick my legs. He restrains my legs with his and uses his free hand to push down on my bladder.
No! NO!! NO!
I start to scream as loud as I can and kick and fight but it's not working! I can't get free. He pushes down harder and harder until finally I pee. My checks turn bright red from embarrassment and I scream and cry more, not looking him in the eyes. This is so embarrassing! Why would he make me do this?! I no wanna!! When I'm done he sets me back on his lap and wraps his arms around my waist so I can't get free, despite me trying to several times. I finally give up and sit there and cry, begging him to change me. This feeling is vewy vewy uncomfortable!
"After the movie is over" he speaks, keeping his attention on the movie.
I get mad and start to scream as loud as I can, kicking and hitting and throwing a HUGE fit. He turns me around and lays me across his lap with but butt in the air.
"NO!NO!NO" I scream and cry as he spanks my thighs five times, hard.
I scream louder and louder.
"I'm not going to stop until you stop screaming" he's speaking to me so mean!
He spanks me five more times before I finally stop screaming and just cry. giving up on fighting back, I just lay there, limp and helpless, uncomfortable and in pain.
"Good girl" he speaks softly and tries to pet my head but I growl at him and push his hand away. He looks taken back and his eyes get sad. He picks me up as I'm still softly crying. He tries to hold me like I'm a baby but I refuse to hold onto him so he holds me bridal style and carries me to the nursery. He changes me and then turns me around again. I start to scream and cry again thinking he's going to spank me more.
"Relax, baby, I'm just putting lotion on the ouchies"
I stop crying so hard and let him. The cool lotion gives me goosebumps but it feels sooo good on my burning thighs.
I finally stop crying and he tried to give me a kiss. I turn my head so he kisses my cheek. I'm still angry. He didn't cross a line and I could've said the safe word but that still doesn't mean I don't have the right to be upset. He looks like I just killed his cat and I almost feel bad so I turn away so I can't see him. I'm exhausted. I don't think I've ever cried this much. I yawn loudly and bat my eyes.
He changes me into my pajamas and picks me up bridal style again, carrying me to his bed.
"Do you want aftercare, sweetie? Hmm? Cuddles and a nap with daddy??"
I don't say anything. Giving him the silent treatment. He places me in the bed and wraps his arms around me with my face to his chest. I try to push him away from me but, of course, it doesn't work. I cry very softly, feeling helpless and weak. He pets my head and places my paci in my mouth, cooing me.
"Shh sweetie, it's okay, you're okay"
I suck on my paci and silently cry myself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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