Rising of the moon

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"WHO THE FUCK SHOT THAT?!" A voice screamed from inside a nearby building. I recognized the voice as Grant's. A short skinny boy with greyish-brown hair stepped out of the building. "Hola mi amigos!" He cheered and hugged us all. I hugged back as soon as he touched me Sydney's face blew up in a blush when he hugged her and Ethan went ridged stiff. "Me casa et tu casa!" He spoke loudly and staggered trying to get to the door of the building.
"Grant you okay?" I asked.
"Just fine sugar-"
"Don't quote Merle." I said slapping his face as I passed him. As soon as I walked into the building I knew the reason for why Grant was being the way he was. The place reeked of booze and drugs. I plugged my nose.
"JACOB!" Sydney called out as she embraced a tall black haired boy with glasses. He removed the headphones from his ears and hugged Sydney back. Ethan stood in the doorway looking unimpressed.
"Everyone ready?" Ethan asked and everyone replies with a nod.
"Hang on I got a car out back we can all take." Jacob chirped up as he drug Sydney to the back door all of us following. Shan, Kurtis, Lorianne, Riley, and Grant all piled into the car Grant and Lorianne laughing because of the booze and drugs they took no doubt. Sydney climbed into the passenger seat and Jacob in the front.
"You sure your okay with us coming back for you?" Jacob asked as he started the car.
"Yea just make it snappy!" Ethan demanded.
"Princess Ethan 'ates waitin'" I inform Jacob still playing around with Daryl's accent. Jacob let's out a laugh and drives off. I look at the sky shielding my eyes from the light. It's noonish I guessed and then looked at my watch. 4:32pm. Well I suck at reading the sun. I felt Ethan's eyes glaring at me so I dropped my gaze to him. "Take a picture t'll last longr'" I smirk and he looks away grumbling. Jeez get a sense of humour kid. The sun steadily crawled down the sky and soon plunged us into darkness.
"It's been 3 hours where the fuck is he?!" Ethan snapped. I glared at him for swearing. A shiver ran down my spine as the moon started to shine on us. The moon was full, it was so pretty, like a diamond. A twig snapped to my left and I snapped my head towards the sound and there was a huge group of walkers. Ethan turned quickly to go back inside the building but it was blocked by a mob too. I turned to dash to my right and noticed it was blocked too. And straight in front of us was an in-climbable brick wall. My heart started to race and I could hear it in my ears as I trained my pistol on a zombie to my right and started to shoot, Ethan did the same and we shot till we ran out of bullets. I pulled out my hatchet and started to hack away at the closest Zombie and Ethan did the same but with some other weapon. Soon one had me pinned to the ground it was snapping its jaws at me I felt something dig into my shoulder and I screamed.

The picture at the top or to the left is grant. The person who is high in this story.

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