Alive outside Dead inside

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It had been a couple months with everything going smoothly, only a couple people got bruised and bloody other than that everyone was doing pretty good. I felt more like a mother than anything these past few months. Being the only girl in the base I did have a lot of control. Mostly because I was really good at cooking. I cooked dinner most of the time, other than that they made their own food.
January was ending. It was 2017 now. I found myself pondering more and more on the end of all this and I hoped someone would be able to cure it soon. Occasionally we would pull in a radio signal, or a tv channel. Nothing good though, just old news broadcasts.
It was the 28th when it happened. When the safe haven was breached. Rick had failed to inform us of his bite that he had obtained on his ankle. Kept saying he'd just sprained it. It was that fateful Saturday that we found out it wasn't sprained. It was that Saturday we found out, I found out, how awful all of this truly was.
I was woken with a start, Grant was screaming loudly for me to, 'get my lazy ass out of bed.' When I finally opened my eyes I knew why. Grant had barricaded the door as three pairs of green-grey arms reached in.
"WTF!" I screamed pulling my amazing wolf sweater over top of my sports bra. Grant grunted as he tried to push the door closed. I pulled a knife out from under my pillow and slashed at the arms cutting some of them and injuring others. It had happened again, our safe haven breached. As grant kept struggling to keep the door shut I was looking for a way out of the room, the only way seemed to be through the vents. With a sigh I started prying the vent off the ceiling as grant finally managed to close the door and block it. After several minutes of prying the vent lid clanged to the ground and a blast of cool air pushed us a tad off balance.
When footing was re-gained Grant pushed me up into the vent shaft and the hoisted himself in as well. Soon the zombies penetrated our defence. They quickly knew where we were and hands reached desperately up hoping for a piece of meat. We stayed in the vents catching our breath and trying to calm down, Grant finally decided to tell me how they got in.
"Chayton and Rick had gotten into a fight, worse than usual. Rick was claiming that he had a cure and was demanding Chayton to go turn himself. After refusing multiple times Rick shot him square in the chest killing him instantly. Kruz came running in from his defence position and tried to wrestle the gun away from him, to no avail. Cody survived, got out when he heard the gunshots. Rick ended up shooting Kruz a couple times before he stopped moving. At this point the mob had broken past the fence and were breaking down the door best they could. A couple stranglers somehow found their way inside and Rick injected them with a serum. They went bezurk! They were faster, stronger, more intelligent. He gave life to something dead. That's when I decided to come get you, you're such a heavy sleeper!" I was taking all this in. Replaying words in my head and skimming past others. Chayton and Kruz were dead. Cody could be alive. Rick was insane. The zombies...
I probably looked half past dead myself because grant was mumbling words of comfort and trying to get me to continue on through the vents. Eventually I continued to crawl through the dusty air-paths. There was limited light and once again we had lost our weapons and supplies. I was scared to say the least, and worried, worried for my friends, for other people, for my life.
Grant was leading through the vents checking some grates and by-passing others. Eventually he kicked out a grate and we fell into a square room that was empty. Cautiously we wandered out of the base and to the road. We kept walking down it only one knife to protect us and other than that nothing. I knew soon enough we would be killed by dehydration, or from lack of nutrition. I thought momentarily on eating my own arm one day I got so hungry, the though scared me out of itself.
After two days of wandering down random roads and eating small animals we could catch we came across a small camping spot. The fire was smoking out and a pack was left near a bench. We searched the camp quickly hoping that the owners wouldn't return. After a thorough search of the camp sight and some much needed rest and water we heard a voice shout loudly,
And soon a pair of warm arms embraced me.

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