Chapter 2

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As i grabbed my toaster waffles and headed out for the bus, I realized something. I was tired of being lonely. Today, I was going to make a friend, I didn't care who. I just needed companionship. As i got onto the bus I was still lost in though, I tripped over the second step and fell, right into the legs of the old grumpy bus driver. As she peered at me evilly over her thick rimmed glasses, laughter broke out.

I quickly apologized and scrambled to find a seat. Embarrassment. What a great way to start a positive day. I ignored the other kids and started to think again. For me, making friend was hard, but getting a boyfriend had never been a problem. I was constantly hit on, but at my age all the opposite s*x wanted, is you guessed it, s*x. So i only had been in a few short relationships, because I simply did not put up with that s*x crazed, testosterone pumping, teenage boy ********. Please excuse my french.

Not that I didn't have crushes, I wouldn't be a girl if I didn't have crushes, infact I had one on a boy in my 2nd period English class. When second period rolled around, we weren't doing anything but watching a movie on the projector since summer break was only four days away. I caught myself staring at devon, my Short haired, caramel skinned crush. 

Apparently, I was being a bit too obvious because in the seat beside me, Jessica Murray, a stuck up ***** of  a girl noticed. Jessica had bothered me since fifth grade when she moved from florida, her parents were pretty **** rich, I forgot what they did. But it sure was enough to spoil their daughter rotten. She threw me a nasty glance, I wasn't having it.

"Can I help you?" I whispered in her direction.

"I'm not the one who needs help, he's way out of your league hun."

Did she really? I didn't let my outrage show in my face, and calmly shot back.

"Oh, I wasn't aware anything human, was in yours."

As she registered the comeback her pinched little face flashed a short look of anger before she threw a VERY low blow.

"Least my daddy's in my life."

This time, I didn't whisper. 

"Excuse me *****?"

I could tell she was a bit startled. But she kept her composure and managed to mutter. 

" You heard me, mixed trash."

I was appalled. I didn't make any effort to hide it. That was the last straw, I stood up, in the middle of class, with everyone watching and punched her, right in her snobby nose. The look of utter shock on her was face was priceless. People gasped. I heard a few giggled and laughs from othe students as she put her fingers to her bloody nose, she started to cry. No one, would ever talk to me like that and get away with it.

"Watch who your talking to."

I told her as I watched my shocked teacher scream into the phone for the school sheriff. Within minutes, he was at the door. Ready to usher me out. 

The sheriff had taken me straight to the principals office. Surprisingly, Jessica was also walked by the vice principal to his office. We were both suspended, her for a day, and me for the rest of the school year, which was four days. I felt bad for making her cry, I had a heart, but NO ONE could disrespect me like that.

As I walked out of the office to the car pick up, Jessica sheepishly walked behind me in the same direction. Without really knowing what I was doing, I turned around to face her. Jessica's nose had swollen, and she hadn't quite gotten all the blood out of the corners. She was scared of me, she looked like she wanted to run the opposite direction, past the building and as far away from me as possible. Before she could say anything, I apologized.

"I'm really sorry for hitting you, and I shouldn't have reacted so violently. Sometimes I just can't control my anger."

Relief flooded her pinched little face and she said

"I'm sorry for saying something like that and acting like a *****, not just today, but since I've known you. I've just been sort of jealous."

Now it was my turn to be shocked. Her? jealous of me?

"Your pretty, and I just have always wanted curly hair!"

A Porsche pulled up in the roundabout and Jessica had to go. I gently picked up my jaw, and placed my tongue back in my mouth as that gorgeous car pulled away. I felt better, I just hadn't been happy with myself for hitting sameon with practically no defense against me. As i took a seat to wait on my mom, who was no doubt livid, things started to blur. Two Passing students became four passing students. Then the second migraine hit me.

It slammed into the back of my head like Mike Tyson had delivered a knock out blow to my skull. I was seeing stars, things were beginning to get dark around me. I felt my body collapse on the bench, as I began to dream. I am floating alone. Suddenly, a dot of color appears on the horizon, it expands, until it is no longer a dot, it is a massive circle of light, eating at the emptiness until there is nothing left but color.

With color comes the sun, then trees, the Pretty flowers and the grass. I'm floating above the pink grass, limp. I can't move or breath. This again. I start to panic, but I calm myself because on the horizon is the beautiful man, and unicorn. He runs and gallops toward me in a mind boggling show of flickering forms and grace. When he reaches me he touches me with his horn, and I can breath again. This time I have question,

"Who are you? Where am I? How did i get here?!"

He puts a finger to my mouth and gazes at me deeply with his silver eyes. Then, He speaks,

"Geez, Any more question?"

His voice is as rich as honey. And it is lovely, deep and smooth. Suddenly a ghastly noise is amplified across the hills and trees, interrupting our first conversation and startling both of us. Its the dark figure again. From its robes, emerges a bony, pale, glowing hand. It has black finger nails. Longer then I've ever seen on anything. Living anyways. I look to the man for answers, and his sad awake, covered in sweat.

As my vision stabilized I saw white. White walls, white equipment, white sheets. I was in a hospital. I scanned the room and my eyes found my mom. Resting in a chair in a corner of a room.

The Last of BeautifulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora