Chapter 4

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The headache was small at first, intensified, then subsided. I sat down on my bed, thankful it was over so quickly. Boy was I wrong. Suddenly, it returned in a violent explosion of fiery pain. I doubled over and threw up, right on my carpet. Disgusting. As I fough to say conscious I began to see stars. Then as if falling into a pit, I blacked out.

As usual the colors expand into the beautiful plae I'm getting all too familiar with. I wait for th forms of the man and unicorn to appear. Second pass. Something is wrong. They are not here yet, and I cannot breath or move. I look round franticallyfor my glowing saviors but I can't find them. Then my eyes catch movement in the distance, hope grows inside me like a flower, than withers as I realize that it is the ghastly figure.

I am starting to suffocate. I watch hopelessly as the ghastly figure floats closer and closer with an outstrectched groteque looking hand. My lungs start to burn, my eyes start to tear, I have never been so scared in my life. I feel as if I am going to die, somehow it feels so real. Finally the beautiful forms appear to my right and charge toward me with determination in their eyes. The ghastly figure increases pace, and is getting much too close for my liking. The unicorn horn pierces my bonds and I fall to the ground. This time he does not catch me. I get onto my feet as the forms turns their head from me to the figure.


The man apologizes to me in that rih voie, as the forms turn on their heel and charge the ghastly figure. "Leave!" he screams in desperation at the final moment before the two collide. Before I see what happens next, I am jerked into consciousness. My eyes flew open, and I bolted upright. My heart was punding, and I was covered in sweat.

"What the hell!?" I yelled out loud to no one.

"What is WRONG with me!?" I screamed as I punched my pillow in utter frustrtion. I belonged in the looney bin just like my grandma. I was going insane. I was not an emotional person but this was beyond frustrating. I didn't know what else to do, so I grabbed a tub of chocolate Ice cream out of the freezer. I shoveled down chocolae goodness as I ried about my problems. You would think I had just experienced the worst break up ever.

I had never heard about anybody with problems like mine, seeing a doctor would make me sound just plain crazy. I did NOT want any pills. Do you know what that stuff does to people? After wiping myself clean from the ice cream and tears, I slid my laptop out from its place under my bed. As I waited for it to start up, I thought about the forms who saved me in my dream. "Leave!" He had said.

Like it was voluntary for me to be there. Did I have control over what happened in thos dreams? was I doing something that triggered the massive migraines? All question I didn't know how to find an answer for. When my desktop loaded I clicked google chrome and entered  PSYCHEDELIC DREAMS. No good, it was all drug related. Next I tried MIGRAINES RESULTING IN DREAMS.

No luck, a few advertisements for migraine and insomnia medication, but no real sites that could help me. This was hopeless. Why was this happening to me?

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