Chapter 6

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I was scared. Scared of what I didn't know, couldn't see. When I got migraines, it was my brain literally under attack. What Constance called spirits, could do me harm. Harm that couldn't be undone in a hospital. Even worse, I couldn't tell anyone. People would think i was insane. I sure would think a girl rambling on about evil spirits and unicorns was crazy. I sat against my door, head tucked in between my knees and folded arms.

Why couldn't I be normal? I felt myself starting to cry. No, I would not cry, I was better than that. Stronger than that. A week later when the next migraine came, I was ready. I embraced the fiery pain as it exploded in my head. Funny, the abilities of the things you can't see. I plunged into darkness, losing touch with my surroundings.

As the beyond appears, I am reminded of its beauty. My surroundings are alive and the colors are vibrant. If this weren't the place that things that wanted my life resided, I might enjoy it more. This time Im not going to wait for the man and the unicorn to save me at the last second. I have to come to my own defense. I start to focus on my inability to move or breath, I don't know what else to do so I clear my mind and began to focus on my inner strength.

I imagine it like a glowing orb where my heart should be, surging and expanding, only its not my imagination. I can feel it. It's beginning to make my skin glow, like the beautiful man. Its power is coursing through my veins and as it get stronger, It begins to get out of my control. I hear the dreaded noise of the ghastly figure in the distance and lose focus of harnessing my inner strength.

I try to jerk my attention back to the task at hand but I can't keep the power confined to my body anymore, and as I take my first breath, my bonds broken. It explodes. I fall to the ground as waves of energy radiate from my body, right into the ghastly figure. The blast knocks it backwards before it hisses and dissipates into the air. I can't help but let a truimphant smile show on my face as the man and unicorn gallop toward me.

I take a seat in the warm pink grass, as I welcome the glowing forms. Before I have the chance to greet him, he speaks to me in a tone more urgen then I expect.

"Don't get too comfortable."

I am taken a little off guard.

"Why? I think I killed it."

The forms shook their heads at me, the unicorns mane and his silvery curls bounce with the movement.

"No, they never die. Just reform."

I am very disappointed, nothing is ever easy.

"Really?? Thats really a bummer. How long do they take to .... reform?"

He smiles that perfect smile at me, no doubt because of my lack of experience with these things.

"I can't say. They just have a way of coming back... But what you did was amazing, I 've never seen that much energy come from one force." I blush.

"It was nothing, how long have you and it been here anyway?"

The familiar sadness in his eyes intensifies.

" I.... I don't know  anymore. It's hard to say. The unicorns confusion and fear clouds my memories." I am perplexed. What does he mean?

"You can't seperate from it? What are you talking about?"

He looks around nervously with his glowing silvery eyes.

"Look, I don't have much time to explain. Your like an evil spirit magnet. fighting one of thos things..."

A spirit magnet, that's somethingI don't hear often.

"Fighting one of those things what?"

He takes a seat in the grass with me, the glowing unicorn folding its legs under it.

" I am wanderer like you, I used to be able enter and leave this place. As I pleased."

I can't help but focus on his plump lips when he speaks, so inviting.

"Then what happened?" He and the unicorn lower their heads to look at the ground.

"I was in the beyond one day, and I saw the unicorn. It was struggling, screaming, fading away as It died. I wanted to help it, but I didn't know how. So, I tried to calm it. When it rested its eyes on me the last thing I remember was waking up with a presence in the back of my mind. I tried to leave the beyond, but I couldn't. The beast is trapped here, because it is so close to death. It is a part of me now, so I am trapped here as well."

My eyes widen in the realization that he is like me, only stuck here. With a pure spirit connected to his own.

"Oh my gosh... Is there a way to seperate from the unicorn?"

He shakes his head at me. That means is no.

" I have to go, I can feel them coming. Fighting spirits, takes from the small amount of energy I have left. The dying unicorn, is taking me with it."

The glowing forms get up from their place in the grass, and the man extends his hand to pull me up too. I now understand the reason for the sadness in his eyes. He is dying.

"How do I leave?" I ask

"Simple." He says with smile.

"Imagine your home, and focus your energy on going there."

It's that easy huh?

"Thanks." I say returning the smile.

"Before I go, I only have two more question."

He gives me an impatient stare as he shuffles back and forth. Ready to leave.

" Ask away." He says.

" How do you keep finding me? You know, when i get pulled into this place."

He blushes, I swear its the hottest thing I've ever seen.

" I can always feel when your here, I'm just, deeply drawn to you."

I can't help but stifle a girly giggle.

"Last question, What's your name?"

"Milan." He tells me.

"Mine is Myra."

On that note, I concentrate on my home, and focus my energy on getting there.

As i awoke on my bedroom floor, I grinned from ear to ear. Milan was drawn to me. Me of all things. Of all people. My grin faded as I realized, Milan was dying.

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