Chapter 10

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"What have you done!?" I gasp in shock.

"Saved your life." Constance says grimly.

Suddenly I feel bad for doing anything but thanking her.

"What happened?"

Milan keeps quiet, and awkwardly stands behind her. Emotionless

"The only thing I could to save you, the unicorn momentarily. I bonded with its spirit, like it did with Milan before. Its pure energy was the only thing strong enough to kill that spirit. It's evil was the strongest of them all."

I stifle tears as I ask her what I already know is true.

"Are you going to die?" She drops her head, breaking her eye contact with me. "Yes." she murmurs through her wrinkly lips.

"You shouldn't have!" I start to yell.

"Myra...." Milan starts.

"Shut up!" I cut him off "Its your fault in the first place." The words cut him like a knife and I instantly regret saying them.

"Milan....I'm sorry..."

"Don't." He snapped. "Your right." And with that he disappeared in midair.

"Milan!" I screamed, I hated myself for saying what I did.

"Where did her go ?" I asked Constance, tears now falling freely from my eyes.

"Back home I suppose, he's no longer stuck here."

I kick a stone close to my foot and wait it sail across the pink grass and embed itself in the dirt.

"This is all so screwed up."

Constance hesitantly steps forward and pulls me into an embrace. I jerk slightly, unprepared for the contact, but I hug her back. She warm and the embrace comforts me slightly.

"I've got to go Constance." She nods in understanding. "Call out to me if you need anything." And still teary eyed and I leave the beyond.

I woke up more peacefully then I usually did, I was getting used to traveling between worlds. My heart was in turmoil, a stormy sea of sadness and regret, I rubbed my puffy eyes and lifted my head to unknowingly meet the gaze of my very concerned mother, who was standing grocery bags in hand at the entrace to the living room.

"Mom!" I gasped.

"How long have you been there?"

She ran to my side, dropping her groceries and kneeling over me while I lied on the floor.

"Long enough to see you wake up!"

Oh crap.

"Did you have another episode? Do i need to take you to the ER?" She said while staring in my red eyes.

"No mom." I lied through my teeth. "I just fell asleep and had a nightmare."

"On the floor?" she asked skeptically.

"Well I stayed up way to late, and just lied down for a minute, and I was out like a light." I said quickly, hoping she'd buy it.

"Even if that is true, what nightmare could have made you cry?" She said narrowing her eyes in preparation for that soul searching look she used on me to determine if I was lying.

"I dreamed that I ended up like grandma." I fibbed " Alive on the outside, dead in the inside. Held prisoner in that horrible place."

I knew I had gone too far, but it had to be believable. She yanked me up, the concern in her body language replaced by anger.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you go there!! What the hell has she been telling you!?"

Crap. "No mom! Grandma didn't do anything! I could see it all in her eyes."After hearing this my mother softened and pulled me into an affectionate hug.

"I'm sorry honey, you know how I feel about her situation."

I pulled away from her like she was on fire.

"That is your mother! And you dare to treat her like she's some situation and not your family!?

What if it were me and you? Then what?!"

She was visibly hurt, but I was too, and she couldn't speak about grandma like she had tha Black Plague and didn't want anyone to catch it.

Myra- That's not what I meant!"

Fresh tears spilled from my eyes again, not just from what my mom said, but everything that had happened.

"Save it." I sniffed as I ran to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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