Chapter 7

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The one boy in the f**k universe who seemed genuiny amazing was dying. My luck was stella. I came to the conclusion that I had to see Constance again, she would know how to save Milan. As i sat in my spongebob fuzzy pants and grey tank top, I thought about Milan. I felt so close to him, even though we hadn't known each other for long. There was an innate chemisty between him and I. I hoped he felt it too.

I unlocked my phone and started a game of hungry shark when I got a Facebook friend request notification from none other than Jessica Murray. I hesitated as my fingertip hovered over the 'ACCEPT' button. Was this one of those things just to gain another "friend" or did she genuinely want to talk to me or something? I decided I was over thinking it way too much, and accepted it. I reopened hungry shark and started eating innocent swimmers. A few minutes later , a message notification from Jessica popped up. It read


I responded with "What's up"

I can't lie, I was pretty creeped out. I punched this chink in the face.

Want to go to the mall Saturday? I want to be friends.

Before I replied I contemplated

Going to the mall with her. Was I free Saturday? Of course. But did I want to go? Kinda.

I want to be friends too. The mall sounds great. Ill meet you in the food court at 5.

I'm on a social oting, with a preppy girl. What had the world come to?

Ok see u then :))

Why did she add two smiles? WEIRDO!!

As soon as I finished with out little conversation, I went to my contacts and scrolled to crystal waters and hit call

"Hello, you've reached Crystal waters. What can I do for you?" A nurse said in a raspy voice. She probably smoked.

"Yes It's Myra Brookes, I'd like to visit Constance tommorow."

"Constance who honey?"

Damn! I never got her last name.

"Well I'm not exactly sure. But she knows me. I'd like to visit."

"Yes i understand that, I have a visitor pass, to see my grandma Beth Roberts. But I need to speak with Constance.."

This time the nurse actually laughed.

"So you have a grandma in here, but your coming to see someon else"

"It's complicated," I growled

"Can you ask her to put me on her visitor list?"

"Sure Hun, I call you back if she does."

"Thank you , I'll talk to you later."  I grumbled.

"Bye Bye Hun."

I wasn't trying to break her out, I just wanted to speak with her. Then it dawned on me, maybe I could! My mother wouldn't be home for another three hours, so it was safe for me to try and enter the beyond. I locked my phone, closed my eyes, and concentrated on breathing. I had never gone to the beyond voluntarily, it was probably dangerous. With all the spirit ghosties, I could die. But Milan's life was at stake. I pictured what I knew of the beyond, and focused my inner energy on it. Then i felt myself staring to black out.

The colors expand into the beautiful place I know as the beyond. This time I don't struggle to breathe or move, the evil can't blnd me when it doesn't bring me here against my will. I want to see Milan again, but raching out to Constance is more important. Besides, he usually finds me anyway, I walk through the pink grass to a nearby tree. I can't help admire is glowing leaves and as I climb to a high crook in Its branches.

The view frp, higher ground is breath taking. Rolling hills of pink grass, glowing trees that move in the breeze, and a sparkling lake in the distance. Its hard to believe evil dwells here. "Constance!" I call. nothing changes, and I don't see anything. "Constance!! It's Myra!" Then the air below the tree starts to shimmer and shift, as a form in a white hospital gown appears.

"Miss me?" I jump down from the tree to greet the old crazy woman. 

"A little." I smile.

It was amazing how easily she could come as she pleased.

"I thought so, now what do you want? I was enjoying a nice cup of apple sauce."

I roll my eyes good and hard so she notices. Before I can speak she smacks me good and hard across the face.

"What the hell?!what was that for?! She rubs her hand as if I did something to it.

"Don't you roll your **** eyes at me. I'll slap em out of your sockets. "  She never fails to shock me. I have to stay out of arm range. No matter what she told me before, Constance is loony.

"Jesus Constance! I'm sorry! You don't have to go all pimp and smack me so hard!!!" I yell.

"Now" she says with a snicker at the edge in my voice "what do you want?"

"First I want to be put on your **** visitor list." I say while rubbing my face.

"Second the unicorn boy is dying and you have to help."

"Constance doens't have to do anything."

"Please. I'm begging you." I plead. She seems recognize the seriousness in my tone and changes her attitude.

"What's the problem?" She says, concerned.

"In short, the unicorn dying. But It's bonded with Milan so it's taking him with it. And he can't leave the beyond because its so close to dying it can't exist in the world of living."

"Oh. I feared this." She takes a seat in the grass and runs her hands through her silvery hair in thought.

"I don't really know how to unbind interwined spirits, but here anything is possible." My face lights up with ope.

"So you can help!?"

"I can try." She says dryly. I suddenly can feel another presence, it's pure. But human at the same time. Milan.

"That's him now."

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