Chapter 3

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I called softly. She didn't stir, She was exhausted. I decided to leave her to sleep for a little longer. My headache had subsided, but I felt groggy. On the right side of the bed were a few buttons. s I was about to adjust the bed out of boredom, my mother opened and rubbed her eyes. 

"Baby doll?"

She only used that name for me when she was really worried about me. 

"Yeah mom?"

I answered, trying to sound like I was fine. I didn't want her to worry. "How are you feeling?" Too late she was worried.

"I feel ok. What happened mom?" She took a deep breath and pushed her bangs our of her face. "You passed out while waiting on me to get you. Two students alerted the nurse, who called an ambulance. The nurse then called me and told me that you were on the way to the Jafferson memorial hospital, So I drove there.

The doctors, couldn't find anything wrong. Your cat-scan didn't reveal anything out if the ordinary, your blood tests came up negative for any diseases or sugar ilments, and there didn't appear to be anything wrong with you on the outside either. Do you remember anything baby doll?" 

She leaned forward and slid her sterling silver ring off and on her index finger."I just remeber having a headache and blacking out." I fibbed, I would never talk about my dreams or the masive migraines in front of her. After all the negative test result, I would just sound crazy. She seemed a bit relieved I didn't have some crazy story that conflicted with the doctors results.

"Well I'm so glad your feeling better, I think you just got overheated. Doctor Edwards, said you were ok to be discharged today or tommorow depending on how you felt when you woke up." Yeah overheated. "Mom?"

"Yes Myra?" She met my eyes."About Jessica-" "Later." She cut me off."I'm tired and ready to get you home, we'll discuss it later." 

"Ok mom, I guess I'm ready to go home."

After the nurse came in to do a final check up to approve me to go home, my mom drove us to Dairy Queen and treated me to a "feel better blizzard". As I sipped on the creamy chocolate goodness, I though about my strange dreams. What if they put me in the hospital again? What on earth were they? I wanted answer.

Days past, and I felt better. I didn't experience any migraines, or crazy dreams. I just stayed home since I was suspended. I talked to my mom about Jessica, she understood why I did and she was proud of me for apologizing. One day, I was bored so I pulled out my sketch pad and charcoal and started to sketch. I wasn't sure what exactly to draw, so I started to draw the beautiful young man from my dream. 

I included his stong jawline, high cheekbones, curly hair, and his glowing eyes. When I was done I gave it a final look over and balled it up and threw it away. It didn't capture his beauty. I snickered at the fact that the word beautiful is what I was using to describe a young man. He was just beautiful to me. The home phone rang and I got up to check who it was since my mom wasn't home. As i recognized the number on the caller ID I grumbled with impatience.

"Hello Myra Brookes speaking."

It was a nurse from crystal waters aka the looney bin. "Hello Myra, your grandmother would like you to see her, sometime within visitation hours this week. She says its urgent. But I'm not sure of its importance." I really didn't want to visit that place. It gave me the creeps, and made me feel uncomfortable."Ok, I'll see what I can do." I replied sarcastically.

The nurse caught my tone and replied with an even more sarcastic. "Goodbye. Have a nice day." And hung up the phone. Although I didn't want to, I felt an obligation to go see her, she was the only family i had other than my mom. My dad vanished after my birth, so I didn't know his family in the loony bin. 

So, I had to go see her. To check up on her and see how she was. The reason I felt so alone on the matter was because my mom and my grandma never got along. My mom had been close to her father and seen her mother as controlling and overbearing. I'm familiar with the feeling. So, I decided to have my mom drop me off the next day and sent her a text asking her about my plans. That's when I got the third migraine...

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