Chapter 30.

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My day was incredibly frustrating and Albert didn't even look at me when I tried to call his name in History. I just don't understand why he is mad at me. I didn't do or say anything to make him upset. I just don't understand.

Sophia has asked endless times what it's going on and what did Albert did but I decide to not tell her. The somnambulism is something only Albert, Ellen and I should discuss. It's private and I would like to keep it that way.

I go home and take a shower. Those fifteen minutes were the largest amount of time I could spend without checking for any text or call for him.

My disappointment was growing bigger as I kept seeing his face on the wallpaper on my phone screen. He wasn't thinking of me.

I decide to open my literature book and start reading the concepts but with Albert's name magically appearing on the end of every line, I decide to take a nap.

Albert's face clouds my dreams and I can't help but let out a small tear as I wake up an hour later, and he's still not here.

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