The First day of School

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I woke up and look at the time 7:00. I might as well get ready.

I took a shower and changed into a white t-shirt, a blue sweater, some blue jeans, and my white converse.

I Grab my items that I needed and headed down stairs. When I got downstairs my aunt ally was cooking and Marcus was leaving for work.

"Hey Star, I can take you to school if you won't".

"I'm good Marcus but thanks for asking".

"See y'all at 6" Marcus said heading out.

"Bye" we both said in unison.

When the food was done I ate and headed out.

I started walking to the school when I raned into Jessica.

"What's up Star ,what's shaking".

"Oh nothing really" I said.

We arrived at the school and I see the guy who caught me yesterday. But he might think I'm a bloodsucker so I'll just stay away from him.

"Are you staring at the werewolf" Jessica asked.

"Uh-no" I said looking away from his direction.

"Are you sure."


The bell rang and I had to go to the office to get my schedule.

Jessica took me to the office but Than she left when I came out.

So first I have English 2, Math 3, PE, and Chorus. But the problem was I had no idea where Mrs. Williams class was.

So I started to look at each door for the number but I bump into the guy that I was trying to avoid.

"So, this is how were going to bump into for now on" he said smile.

I didn't say anything.

"Well look who it is" Someone said.

I turned around and see his friends.

"The bloodsucker who landed on Ponyboy's arms yesterday".

"Look, I don't won't any trouble ok." I said with my head down.

I really wish I could tell people I'm a human.

"If you don't won't anything trouble than stay away from Pony got it" he's voice got louder.

I nodded and ran off. I felt like I won't to cry but I hold it in. The good thing is I did find the class.

I took a deep breath in went inside.


So far my classes went well and the best part was I haven't see those guys.

I changed in the locker room and headed outside to the track. But I'm guessing his name is Ponyboy is on the track. Great just what I need.

I raned faster than the other girls did I saw the teacher was so impressed.

Ponyboy came pass me and wave at me but I didn't wave back.

After I finish my laps I sat on the bleachers. Pony Than sat next to me. I was getting ready to get up when he said something.

"I'm sorry what happen this morning with my friends."

"Why are they so mean?" I asked.

"It's the battlp between the werewolves and the vampires."

"I did know about that but I didn't know it was that bad."

"Tell me about it."

We laughed. It was cool to talk to him.

"My name is Starlight." I said holding my hand out.

"My name is Ponyboy." he shake my hand.

We talk for awhile. Turns out we have a lot in common. I did notice people were staring though.

Maybe because they never seen a human talking to a werewolf even though people think I'm a vampire.

When it was time to leave for lunch I head to the locker room and changed. I was meeting jessica.

I was walking there when people still staring at me. I didn't mind but someone stop me.

The boy who told me to stay away from Pony. Oh no.

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