The Secret's Out Part 1

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I never talk about my parents because it made me upset. They didn't have to died. I hate this law.

"I can't believe you're their daughter. Are you a vampire?"

I shook my head no.

"Are you a werewolf?" Pony aked again.

I shook my head no again.

"You have to be one of those or are you both"?

I was going to say something else when the same werewolf that attack me turn into a human.

"Ponyboy, why are you our here so late and with this vampire" he said growling at me.

"Soda calm down, she's harmless".

"Star this is my brother Sodapop, Soda this is Star my new friend".

I never thought I would be friends with a werewolf. Anything is possible.

"I don't trust her Ponyboy."

"What do you mean you don't trust her. You don't even know her like I do".

"Ponyboy, everyone is talking about her".

"What do you mean everyone is talking about me." I asked.

"You got mad at my friend at school and he said your voice got deep and your eyes were red."

Oh no. Now everyone is suspicious. How am I going to tell my aunt and uncle.

"What is he talking about Star? I thought you weren't a vampire".

"I'm not".

"Wait, she's not a vampire?" Sodapop asked.

"Look at the time I better go bye" I said running away.

I raned as fast as I can to my house. I reach to my house climb the tree and went through my window. I quickly change my clothes and went to bed.

The next day

I opened my eyes and suddenly see nothing but my bed in my room.

"This is weird".I said to myself.

I put on my slippers and headed downstairs. Then I heard screaming. I run down the steps and see Michael.

To be continued.

Who is Micheal? Who was screaming? Find out on part 2.

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