Give It Up (part 2)

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Micheal ⬆

Ponyboy POV

Something is worng with Star I can feel it. I raned as fast as I could. I heard dallas calling my name but I ignored him.

I climbed the tree near Star's window but she not in her room.
I walk around her house and noone here's. Something not right and I know the person I need to go to.

Starlight POV

I trusted Jessica. I can't believe she betrayed me all this time. Thanks to her I'm in the dungeon chained up.

"Well well well, look who it is. The vampire."

"I told you Jessica i'm a human not a vampire or a werewolf."

"Yea right, do worry I won't see you face ever again in the next 7 hours."

"What do you mean?" I asked

She laugh than left. I can't believe I won't see Ponyboy again.

4 hours later

I started to feel werid all of the sudden. Like someone coming for me. Then the power went out. I heard noises outside of the cell.

I started to freak out. The chain suddenly break and I was free.

"Star is me,Ponyboy. Mia and I came to rescue you."

He grab my hand and we started running out of the place. Than the lights came back on.

This girl pop out nowhere this must be Mia.

"Guys we gotta go before they find us."

We were going out until the doors slammed.

"You three aren't going anywhere."

We turned around and see Micheal, Jessica, and Mario.

"If you don't let us leave you will be more than dead." Mia snapped.

Let the battle begin.

Hey everyone sorry I haven't been posting but I'm back now. Johnny-was-a-hero. Was in this chapter. Dont worry I will have more challenges so other people can be in this story or other stories coming up. Bye

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