Who Am I really

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"I thought we told you to stay away from Pony" one of them said.

"He talked to me actually" I said.

"You better stay away from him or else".

I started to get angry.

"No one tell we what to do" I said.

"Oh look the bloodsucker is getting mad." he chuckled.

I don't what I did but everyone was backing up even the boys.

My voice started to go deep. When I knew what was happening I raned to the girls bathroom.

"How did I made my voice deep" I said to myself.

I look in the mirror and notice my eyes were red.

"Oh my gaud, what is happening to me".

I have to asked my aunt what is wrong with me. I decided to skip the rest of the day.

I was walking home when Jessica stop me.

"Where were you, you didn't come to lunch."

"I need to figure things out right now." I said walking away.

I made it to the house but no one was home. I might as well take a walk but where? It doesn't matter where I go but I need to think.

I walking when a mustang pulled in front of me.

"Well look who it is the trader." one of them said.

I just ignored them and try to walk away but tallest one stop me.

"Hey,were not done talking to you bitch".

"I am done listening. Now leave me alone." I said in his face.

I push them out of the way and walk away.

"You just made a horrible mistake".

They started to run after me and I knew I couldn't out run them because their vampire but I tried.

I finally got away because they stop. I finally see a park and I sat on the fountain.

It was quite a little to quite but that is the way I like it. I didn't won't to go back because they might be waiting for me.

I suddenly heard growling but didn't see anyone. I heard it again. And I turned around and seen a wolf.

I got up slowly and walk away slowly. The wolf started to get closer.

"Stay back wolf. Leave me alone please." I said still backing up.

Suddenly someone grab my arm and we disappear in the woods.

"Let me go who ever you are." I said trying to get out of his gripp.

"Calm down, it's Ponyboy".

Ponyboy saved me. How did he know I was in trouble

"How did you know I was in trouble?" I asked.

"It was just a feeling", Ponyboy asked,"why are you here? You know this is werewolf territory".

No wonder those guys stopped. My aunt said if a vampire ever go to the werewolf side they have to be killed.

"I didn't even know I was in your territory. I was just running away from those vampires".

"Well, it's not safe for a vampire like you to be here. Have you heard of the story about a vampire and a werewolf in love but died after their baby was borning".

I knew he was talking about my parents.

"Was their name Andrew and Crystal micheal."

"Yea, how do you know?" Ponyboy asked.

I have to tell him.

"Because their my parents".

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