Ponyboy and Jessica

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1 week later

Ponyboy POV

Where in the world is star. She hadn't been in school for like a week. I need to find her. I was looking for her friend Jessica. But I haven't seen her either. Something is going on.

"Ponyboy, you okay?" Johnny asked.

"Yea, I'm fine just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

Oh shoot got to think of something fast.

"Um about um the book I'm going to read."

Johnny gave me a confuse look. I guess he wasn't convince. He just walk away. Whe I turned around I bump into Jessica.

"Hey Jessica. Have you seen Starlight?" I asked.

"Why do you won't to know?" she smirked.

"Because she my friend and I thought you will tell me where she is."

"Look. You maybe her friend but you and I will never be friends."

"We don't have to be friends but can you tell me where she is?"

Jessica POV

This werewolf is getting on my nerves.

"She's dead ok. The vampire counsel killed her."

I had to lied. I don't won't that werewolf near her. I walk away leaving him there shock. Why would she be friends with a werewolf. I'm going have to talk to her.

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