Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

The sound is deafening and I’m sitting bolt upright in bed, listening to the sound of its report, before I’m really awake.

“What was that?”

Jan, pyjamas askew and rubbing her eyes has to shout to be heard above the din, I struggle out from underneath the bed clothes in more haste than is helpful and trip over the sheet where it trails across the floor, I’m only saved from falling by grabbing Jan and we tumble in unceremonious alarm from our room into the sitting room. My mother is just entering through her bedroom door and I see she has hastily wrapped a blanket around her trembling form, with relief I see that my father is close behind her.

“Daddy, what’s happening?” my voice is a good deal steadier than I feel.

“If it’s what I think—” he breaks off, “I don’t know but we’d better find out.”

The corridor is full of people; at one end I see Clare and Philip.

“What’s happening?” Clare’s voice is trembling her eyes are wide and frightened.

“I was wondering if it would be best for the girls to stay up here, Dad?” Philip asks, but my father shakes his head.

“It might be best to stick together; let’s go downstairs and see what’s happening.”

Daddy leads the way down into the Hall and I can see that most of our tribe has assembled already.

It is obvious that no one knows what is going on, everyone seems to be talking at once and the noise is deafening so that at first no one notices the guard that enters the hall from the courtyard outside. It is only when one of the men pushes through the crowd towards Mr. Clark and taps him on the shoulder that the room becomes quiet enough for one voice to be heard above the general chaos.

“I have orders that your tribe is to be taken to the west building where they will be given weaponry and instruction.”

“Why do we need weapons, what’s happening?” asks Mr. Clark.

“Didn’t you hear the sirens? We’re under attack.”

“By whom?”

“Someone with dirty great guns, what more do you need to know?” he asks sarcastically. “Now hurry up and get over to the west building!”

The barrel of his gun comes up slightly and nervously we fall away from him and edge towards the door.

The courtyard is in confusion and the sirens seem much louder in the open air coupled with the sound of gunshots and explosion. I feel the pressure of the crowd separate me from my parents as Jan and I are born first one way and then the other by their frenzied disorder, it is all we can do to hold on to each other and stay on our feet.

“Deeta! Deeta!” I see a figure pushing against the crowd and, rather incredibly, making some head way towards us.

“Here, I’m here!” my voice seems tiny against the hubbub, but I see with relief his progress towards us and Robin reaches out taking a firm hold on my hand, dragging me through the crowd that separates us to his side.

“Come on, this way.”

With grim determination I see him turn and, our advancement painfully slow, pull us after him towards the south building, through the hallway and out on to the street, not stopping until we rest panting in the shadow of the building that stands opposite the compound.

“Jan, Deeta!” a voice calls.


Ralph materializes from the shadows, his face pale, drawn and in the dim light, years older.

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