Your teen has a sleep over ~Niall

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It was eleven o'clock at the Horan house hold and four teens were up laughing having a great time as you and Niall slept soundly in your room with your 3 month old baby.
"Guys lets invite some boys over!" Selena said holding her phone up pointing to four boys one for each of them. Summer insisting shook her head smiling as Selena texted them smiling when they all replied a quick Ight. 18 minutes passed when a car pulled up in front of the house. Summer got up opening the door for them so they wouldn't have to wake up her parents resulting in her getting a ass whooping. They all smiled at Summer walking in her eyes set on the boy with the blue NY shirt on. They all set in a circle talking each girl paired up with a boy.
"So summer how old are you? " Ram asked leaning back giving you a large smile.
"I'm 16 what about you?"
"Aye that's lit!" You say laughing happy he wasn't a 20 year old.
"So what are you black,white,Asian?" He ask laughing making her roll her eyes playfully at him.
"I'm mixed. I'm have black,Indian,Irish,and White in me"
"So who's white your mom or dad?" He ask scouting closer to her making her blush.
"HER DAD!" Summer looked at the staircase seeing her dad shirtless rubbing his blue eyes.
"Ah shit lets bounce!" Joey said getting up running to the door the boys following behind him hopping in the car driving off.
"Summer consider this your LAST 'sleep over' aka 'slutover'" he says going upstairs to go back to sleep.
"Did he call us sluts?" Summerella asked scratching her dyed red weave.

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