Wake Up

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Maybe I could fly you out this place someday

Liam sat in the tour bus in his bunk as he looked at picture of his girlfriend Y/n who was stuck in Europe while he toured around the world. He wanted to take here with him but management said it wouldn't be the best idea. To him it wasn't fair Zayn,Louis,Harry,and Niall got to bring their girlfriends on tour but he couldn't. While his mates were having couple nights he would be in his bunk sleeping or playing games. He huffed and decided it was time to get from laying down and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. When he did he saw the couples cuddling and laughing as they watched a movie on the tv.
"Hey mate wanna join us?" Niall said as he had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend protectively. He said a quiet no before going to sit down to eat his cereal in the dimly lit room. He smiled when he saw a face time call from his girlfriend he's been waiting for this call for the longest time. He put his earbuds in and answered the call a large smile gracing his face as Y/n's face popped on the screen.
"Hey babe I missed you so much!" He said excitedly his heart racing and hands twitching.
"I miss you so much where are you?" She asked him her surrounding dark but he paid it no mind.
"Right now we are in Berlin Germany in our tour bus but he guys will be leaving to go to the hotel." He said huffing as he was reminded he will be sleeping on the bus by himself.
"What about you?"
"Management said since you aren't here with me I don't need one like the boys and their girlfriend."
"That has no logic!" She said laughing loudly making him laugh as well. Their conversation continued till the bus stopped. Liam stood up and when he exited the bus he saw Y/n smiling holding the phone in her hand. Liam ran to her hunting her tightly a tear rolling down his face.
"What are you doing here?!" He said his face mashed into her hoodie as he picked her up spinning her around.
"Came to surprise you. I know you've been lonely so I looked up your next show a couple weeks earlier asked Zayn the hotel they would be staying at and yeah!" She said kissing his when he let her down.
"I love you so much!"
"I love you too! Now since the guys are gonna be off the bus how about I show you how much I missed you." She whispered in his ear making him moan and smile. Tonight will be a long night for the both of them and they couldn't wait.
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