Prince of Dubai |2 of 2|

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|still wake with your name on my lips every morning." |
― Melina Marchetta, Froi of the Exiles

Zain bursted through the large doors to the ballroom were his mother and father were talking to other royalty family. His heart was in panic as someone just attacked him and his wife Y/n who was currently with child. His lip was busted and bruises scattered his arms and underneath his torn shirt.
"al'abb , alrraja' musaeadati ! laqad taearradat lilhujum w kdhlk faeal zawjati alhamil." (Father , please help me ! I've been attacked and so did my pregnant wife)He says loudly catching the attention of everyone who looked at the Prince appearance with shocked looks. His father and mother pushed through to his son helping him sit down on a chair trying to stay calm.
"abni ma hadath lak ! hal taerif kanuu qad aittakhadhat hufaydi w aibnat fi alqanun?" (My son what has happened to you! Do you know were they have taken my grandchild and Daughter-in-law?) King Yaser asked worried  crossing his face as he thought about the health of both his daughter-in-law and his grandson. His mother was on the verge of tears as Y/n was like her best friend and this was going to be her first grandchild.
"No Father. We were walking in the garden getting fresh air when we were ambushed but I think it was by a different kingdom."He says crying out as he accidentally touched a bruise on his side.
"We will figure this out and bring her back." His mother said kissing his forehead tenderly before looping her husband arm with hers. Yaser hugged his son before dismissing the party so he and his army could find about the missing princess of the kingdom of Dubai. Zain was taken back to the medical room to get patched up. When it was all done he stood up and was escorted back to his room by multiple guards to make sure another attack didn't happen. He closed his door locking it going to his bed seeing the sonogram that laid on Y/n nightstand. A tear slipped from his brown eyes as he saw the worst possible outcomes. He couldn't bare to lose the love of his life and his son it would be to much. Zain changed his tore clothes to fresh pajamas going to bed snuggling Y/n's pillow which smelled just like her,sweet and addicting. He whispered a quiet sorry before he fell asleep thoughts running through his mind.
Zain was woken by heavy banging on his door startling him to death. He hopped up opening the door seeing a frantic looking servant who grey eyes held so much emotion.
"Prince Zayn! King Yaser has news for you about your wife and unborn child please get dressed and follow me!" He shook his head closing the door dressing into his royal attire putting his crown on before opening the door seeing the servant standing there still. He motioned for him to show which he did all the way to the war room were all the plans and attacks were made in.
"Father you called me in here?" He says fixing his tilting crown on his head. His father motioned him to take a seat next to the general of the kingdom.
"Hello General Payne."
"Hello Prince Malik." After those short words were spoken they went back to what was important saving the future family of the kingdom. His father explained what the army men were doing and how through the surveillance cameras they found the people who looked quite familiar. King Yaser showed Zain and he instantly knew who these three goons were.
"tilk 'abna' alkalibat! They all must die for the honor of my wife and son! Father these three men are from the Deadly Viper Tribe south of Dubai! These are the three prestige of them all their code names are Sidewinder,Copperhead,and Black Mamba."
"Zain how do you know this?" General Payne asked his face straight but voice filled with question and wonder.
"Because they use to be my best friends. I remember them telling me they all had a liking to my then girlfriend and I didn't handle it well so I kicked them out of the kingdom and I guess they had a grudge and took it in their own hands." He says balling his fist slamming them on the wooden table making it shake. Yaser looked at him giving him the signal to calm down which he did.
"What are their legal names Zain?" The King said sitting down at the head of the table looking at the people who were writing things down probably notes.
"Niall Horan,Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles." He seethes closing his eyes as he took a deep breath from his mouth out his nose. King Yaser shook his head standing up quickly as his eyes averted to a phone beeping multiple times. Zain answered the phone putting it on speaker when a voice came through the device.
"Zain how is it buddy! How do you like your wife in our possession?" He instantly had known it was Harry.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU IF YOU DON'T BRING MY SON AND WIFE BACK NOW!" Zain yelled a vein poking from his neck his blunt nails digging into the table making a scratching noise.
"Calm down Zee no need to be so hostile. I don't think Mrs.Malik would like that very much." Niall said you can feel the tension in the room.
"Give.Me.Back.My.Wife.And.Son!" Zain said each word harsher than the next his words filled with poisonous venom.
"How about this Zain Malik we give you your pregnant wife if you let us back in the kingdom!" Louis said and Zain looked at Yaser for approval and he shook his head yes a sign coming out of his lips.
"Yes meet me in the front of the kingdom in 20 minutes." He says clicking the end button not wanting to here either of their voices again. For the rest of the time they made plans so when the time came it would be perfect. Zain packed a gun in his waist line as he headed out of the kingdom seeing a black car pull up. Zain looked around and saw the shoulders hiding in bushes ready for the signal to attack. The three men hopped out of the car when they pulled out a sleeping Y/n who hands were wrapped protectively around her growing belly. His nostrils glared as Harry leaned in and kissed Y/n forehead looking at Zain winking.
"Zee my man your wife is such a amazing character! My favorite part about her is when she begs!" Louis said running the hair from her face smirking as he watched Zain glare.
"Give her back to me!" Zain said stepping forward and the stepped back.
"Under one condition, you get on your knees and beg!" Niall said repositioning the pregnant African American girl. Zain did as he was told and he put his hand on his hip were the gun was set.
"Please Vipers give me my wife back."
"That isn't enough." Louis said crossing his arms over his tattooed chest. Zain clutched the gravel over the games he played so he screamed the Arabic words the didn't understand.
"HUJUM!" He screamed and the soldiers popped out and held rifles towards the guys head trying to avoid the Princess.
"Zain here take your wife please don't kill us!" Harry quickly said nudging Niall to hand Y/n over who handed her over. Zain grabbed a soldier whispering to take her to a safe place. Zain got his gun pointing it to the three. Without warning he shot each of them Niall in the leg,Louis in the arm,and Harry in the shoulder. He smiled in satisfaction as he walked back a smile on his face as his wife and son was now safe.

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