Sisters pt 1

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One Tuesday morning the titans walked into the living room yawning to see it was flooded with streamers. The floor couldn't be seen and Robin mistook a massive pile of streamers for the couch. He tripped up. After a while the titans found the couch and sat down.
"where's silky? " asked raven.
"WE AREN'T SITTING ON HIM ARE WE? " yelled beast boy.
Suddenly he and cyborg jumped up and searched through the streamers to find a flattened silky.

Yep he still has a crush on star.
Shame they never get to-

"KEEP GOING WITH THE STORY! " yells Robin smashing narrators head with his staffffjsnsjkajanankkak



Daooaiajwnwjdixjxnsnwmmsksisjsnsnsjjsjsnsnwuidka asunder b ninja Jdmdms w high get kill ahhh king ahhh kum van Kirk Nikki dying try LY FCK j key his Hi Wendy tf feb fees

Anyway after narrator healed.

Suddenly Star burst in the door.
"look star I am so sorry bu-" Robin didn't finish his apology as star punched him in the face with excitement.
"oh I have more wondrous news than that! Joy friends! My sister Blackfire is visiting today! "

"Blackfire? But didn't she almost get you arrested? " asked raven without looking up as she was reading her book.
"but she has made the pinky promises that she has become a changed sister! You know you can't break the pinky promises! "

Suddenly The room goes dark and Robin who has just crawled back up trio over something and falls again.

A torch light shines over star fires face
"on my planet, whoever breaks a promise of the pinkies is fed to the vicious swolfargoes of mount padwarago! Long ago a brother promised his brother to take care of his wedding ring. The brother lied and ran of into the forest with the ring. Guards caught him and chucked him onto the mountains. We recently discovered his fossils! " said star in a low spoooooooky voice.

The lights turned on and she had her cheery smile back.
"anyway while you have been doing the sleeping I have prepared the festivities for the day. Oohh we will have so much fun! " she walks forward to hug raven and steps on robins back. He screams like a girl as something snaps.
Starfire shrugs and gathers everyone in a group hug.
"oh I think I hear the door of bell! " and she rushes of at 90mph before Robin can join the group hug. He cries out loud and goes over to the corner of lonliness and sadness and Shame and many other things.

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