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Everyone was sitting along the living room just talking and catching up. Everyone seemed as if they were genuinely having a good time, even Liv was talking and laughing with everyone.

"Let's play never have I ever." Katie says and everyone agrees. Never have I ever is when you put 5 fingers up and everyone says never have I ever ____ and if you have done it you put a finger down.

"Never have I ever smoked a cigarette." Brennan starts. I put a finger down along with Katie. (I know they don't smoke shut up.) "i'm telling mom." Caleb says in a i hope joking way, Brennan says the same thing to Katie. "It was one time, we wanted to try it." I say laughing.

"Alright i'll go, never have I ever dated someone sitting here." I put another finger down along with Brennan, Liv, Katie, And Caleb. Me and Liv both dated Brennan and Katie and Caleb dated. (The way me and my friends play is even if you did it you can still say it)

"Ohhh. I'll go, Never have I ever started a rumor about one of my friends." Liv says turning her head towards me. "Real mature Liv." I roll my eyes and put a finger down, It was a while ago when we were kids, I was mad at her. Wow Annie you only have 2 fingers left." Liv snaps at me. "Obviously I can count. Why are you trying to start stuff with me right now?" I spit at her.

Everyone was just watching us go back and forth with eachother. I have always been a nice girl but I might just punch Liv tonight.

"Because you're a bitch." She says laughing. The room fills with 'ooooo' "Okay it's the first night so i'm not gonna argue with you." I say standing up and walking out of the room, a camera man and Brennan following.

I sit in a hammock trying to relax. Brennan soon sits next to me. "Don't worry about her, shes mad." He says making me chuckle. "I don't get why she has to start stuff with me out of nowhere." I say laying in the hammock. He soon lays next to me.

"Why are you out here anyway." I say. He looks at me before speaking. "Well we share a mutual hate for Olivia." He laughs.

"That's the funny thing, I don't hate her she hates me." I sigh. He just chuckles and sits up. "Well, don't mind her, She's just jealous." And with that he walked back inside.


Due to the popular demand of two comments I am back updating. I really didn't like this chapter because I liked Liv and Annie friendship I just thought this would make it interesting.

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