Chapter 12

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Phil's POV

The walls were bright and the carpet was murky. I still don't understand why all the rooms were more narrow then the ever empty corridors. I had asked Pj why you could go days without seeing people then see about 30 people in the same room a few days later. He just shrugged and continued slurping his tea though.
"So Phil, how have things been going lately?"
"Fine thanks."
"You're going to have to elaborate on that."
"Nothing has happened that doesn't usually happen."
"Okay. So Philip, how much have you ate this week?"
I hadn't voluntarily eaten anything but I was forced to eat and given twice my body weight in pills shortly after. Shrugging my shoulders, I stared at Dr. Ozanne or Quentin or whatever I was supposed to call him. His short brown fringe just covered one of his bright blue eyes. He looked much older then what he probably was, most likely from working with freaks like me all day everyday. He was attractive put it that way.
"What were you thinking of?" He generally seemed interested in what I had zoned off too.
"Nothing much."
"Phil, how do you feel emotionally, whilst you've been here and before hand?"
Ugh, typical therapist question.
"Well, urr. Hhmmm."
"Let me break it down a bit for you. First off, has anyone here impacted you in any way so far?"
"W-well, there is this one boy."
"Okay, and how does he make you feel?"
Actually, that is a stereotypical therapist question.
"We have plenty of time so how about you tell me the full story about this boy?" He asked casually.
"O-okay. So he's my roommate and at first he looked genuinely terrified of talking to me.."
"It's okay, he's like that to everyone."
"So I've been told. Anyway, since we've been paired he has spoken to me a few times. It's just that he seems so broken and I've never really wanted friends before but I really want to get closer to Dan. It's like, if you were to hug him, he would just break on you, but maybe that would be a good thing right? Him finally opening up to people?" I didn't mean to over enthusiastically make up an essay about Dan on the spot. But I did, and Quentin looked most confused.
"Phil, I'm going to go out of therapist mode for a just second and ask you something. Do you think you have feeling for Dan? More then friends I mean."
"I don't know. I've never thought of people like that. I've never had a crush but this is probably the closest thing to that."
"I see. Alright, well let's go onto what I'd like you to try this week. I know this is a big leap but I know you can do it. Could you try ato eat a full meal?"
A part of every therapy session is homework, in this case hospital work. They alway set you goals apparently and you're expected to accomplish them. I didn't see the point personally but I guess it means something to them.
"I'll try."
"Oh lovely. You're free to go now Phil, we'll be catching up in two days okay, bye."
I left through the creaky door to see Dan walking out a room some way down the corridor. I waited for him, then without communicating, we headed to the dining area.

Dan's POV

"Hello Dan, how are you doing?"
"F-fine I g-guess."
"So Dan, today we're going to talk about your time in confinement. Are you okay with that?" Talking wasn't my forte so I just nodded along, failing to listen.
"Good. Could you share some of your thoughts please?"
This time I shook my head in an attempt to piss off Emily. She was nice and probably a good therapist but I was really hungry and extremely tired.
"How about you communicate using the white board." She pushed a white bored and marker on her desk closer to me. Taking it, I began to write. I handed her the board without making eye contact then shifted as far back on the seat as I could.
"Thank you," there was a short pause whilst she read my scruffy, half rubbed out writing, "Dan, I really don't think you were supposed to be thinking about that." I personally didn't see any problem in wondering what they were serving for dinner each day. Apparently Emily did.
"Dan, why won't you let yourself get help. You've been through a traumatic experience, you need professional help. But first you need to be willing to help yourself. Stop being a stubborn child, tell me what you're feeling like, then we can all go home at the end of the day."
"I-I'd l-l-like t-to p-point out-t that I d-don't have a f-fucking home t-to go t-to!" By the end of my short sentence I was crying and shouting. I didn't mean too, but hey, she shouldn't be so inconsiderate, right? I didn't want to spend any more time sat in a claustrophobic room while someone watched me cry, so I simply got up and left.
I was walking up the corridor when I saw Phil exit a room then wait, presumably for me. Together, we walked in a comfortable silence to the dinning room for lunch.

Me and Phil, still without talking, collected food then joined PJ and Louise on my hidden table.
"Hey guys, long time no see. How have you been?" Louise's caring voice questioned.
"Fine thank you, yourself?" Phil's chirpy voice saved me from having to speak.
"I've been okay. They're starting to lower my medication!" Her exited voice made me smile, I was truly happy for her. Louise's ocd annoyed me so it must be hell for her.
"H-how a-about-t you P-PJ?" I stuttered. I didn't mean too, but I started gently shaking.
"It took me two hours to even get him out of bed this morning." Louise cut in. Pj had his eyes fixed on his plate as he swung his legs back and forth. At least some of us are happy... Maybe.

Phil and Louise had a seemingly exciting conversation about cats, desperately trying to get me and Pj to join in. I wasn't sad though, I was anything but Louise was getting better. Pj actually made it out of his room on a 'misfortunate day' as we called them. Phil was going to get better, and for my sake as well!
In that moment, My friends' lives was all I cared about. My own life? Not so much.

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