3 - Not in the South Anymore

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Alfred went to lunch around twelve. Classes hadn't been as bad as he had expected. He had breezed through most if the classes. Most of the curriculum that they seemed to be just learning, Alfred had already done in his old school. It was really boring actually.

The food was one thing he couldn't pick on, though. Today there was pasta for the main meal and a salads bar at the other end of the kitchen. In the middle there were a selection of snacks including fruits, yogurt and cheese sticks. There was also soup between that and the salad. They seemed to have a bit of everything. A refrigerator behind him held five different kinds of milk, four different kinds of juice and yogurts and other things he wouldn't remember.

He gave some money and his last name to woman at the register and then went to find a place to sit. He was glad he had been a bit early, because even though lunch had just started the seats were all filling up pretty quick. He took an end seat at an empty table and put his bag down beside him before he started eating.

At one end of the cafeteria was a stage with heavy curtains. The kitchen was at the other end and if Alfred looked up he could see dozens of lights, some with different colored lenses, for the stage. They were flags hanging on two of the walls and Alfred couldn't figure out what they were for. Each on had the name of the country underneath it, Denmark, China, Ukraine, Mexico, Sudan and a lot more.


Alfred looked up at the sound of his name being called and saw Alistor coming his way. Alistor sat in front of him and a few sat in some surrounding seats.

"How's the first day been, so far?"

"Pretty easy," he said taking a bite of food. "The food's pretty good."

"Get lost yet?" one of Alistor's friends asked.

Alfred shook his head. "This school is small compared to my last school."

"Where did you move from?"

"A city, very south of here."

"What do you think of the classes?"

"Pretty easy." Quickly remembering, he held out his hand towards his cousin and waited for a moment. He felt a dollar being put in his hand. He glanced at it to make sure it was a five before putting into his pocket.

"You never forget, do you?"

"Not usually."

One of Alistor's friends looked on curiously. "What was that for?"

"He lost a bet yesterday," Alfred said plainly.

"Anyways," Alistor said. "I wanted to introduce you to some of my friends." He waved his hand to each one introducing Vlad, Matthias and Gilbert. Alfre thought he vaguely recognized Gilbert, but it took him a moment I remember from where. The same guy he had run into in the hallway. It was him who reached across the table and properly introduced himself.

"Gilbert," he said with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Alfred."

Alfred reached out and shook his hand briefly. "Like wise."

The rest of the day passed quickly. He found his bus and got on, the back now scattered with some people from school. He took an empty seat and sat in the inside, only looking out the window. He looked to his side when someone sat next to him and saw Matt.

"How was your day?" Matt asked.

"Okay. You?"

"Good. Made a few friends."


"How about you? Make any friends?"

"Met some new people."

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