5 - Gilbert

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Gilbert went into the living room where his little brother sat. He sat on the couch, an open book in front of him.

"Luddy, I'm going to Matthias'. Dad's upstairs."

"Okay," he said, not looking up. "See you later."

"Bye," Gilbert said.

He went out to the shed and unlocked the door. Gilbert put ok his helmet and rolled out his bike. He locked the shed again before mounting his bike and riding onto the road.

Gilbert biked down his road, turning onto the main highway that ran, mostly, through out the town. The sun shined through the branches of leaves hanging above Gilbert. Turning onto Matthias' road, Gilbert counted the driveways until he reached number 37. He coasted down the dirt driveway and came to a stop near the house. He got off and leaned his bike against a wooden support beneath the deck. He went up the stairs and onto true deck, stopping in front of the glass sliders. He tried the door once before knocking on the glass.

Inside, two heads swiveled around from the living room couch to see him. Matthias came forward and unlocked the door, pulling it open.

"Finally got here, huh?"

"Shut up," Gilbert said with a smile as he walked in. He took his shoes off at the door, leaving them with the line of shoes already there.

The door slid shut and Matthias walked back to the couch, Gilbert right behind him. Matthias took a spot next to Alfred and Gilbert on the other couch beside them.

"So, what'd I miss?"

"Playing video games," Matthias said. "Come on, I've got a remote for you."

Gilbert took the remote Matthias handed him. Throughout the time, Gilbert periodically looked over to Alfred. He seemed to be having a bit of trouble with the remote.

"Okay over there?"

Alfred looked up, then back to the remote and back to the television. "I've never played an xbox before. I'm trying to get used to all the controls."

Matthias smirked. "I feel so privileged next to you guys."

Gilbert saw Alfred smirk at the comment from the corner of his eye. He smiled before reeling his attention back towards the game. It was half an hour or something later when they paused.

"Matthias, where's the bathroom?"

"Right down the hall," he said, pointing. "Second door on the right."

"Thanks." Alfred stood up and walked down the hallway, disappearing into the room.

"Let's play a game!" Matthias said quickly. He continued before Gilbert had time to respond. "Let's play, 'Guess who Gilbert's crushing on'."

Gilbert punched is upper arm. "Shut it."

Matthias just snickered. He got up from his seat and walked to the kitchen. "You want a snack?"

"Sure." Gilbert jumped from his seat and followed Matthias.

Gilbert heard a door open and Alfred joined them. He sat at the island counter, quiet.

"You want a snack?"

Alfred stopped for a moment before speaking. "No thank you. I'm fine."

It wasn't long after when Alfred's phone rang. Alfred put his phone to his ear. Gilbert and Matthias kept quiet. Alfred's smile fell.

"Five minutes, ten maybe." Alfred kept quiet for a moment. "There's still two weeks of school." Alfred looked to the wall where a clock hung. "Meaning now." He sighed. "See you soon." Alfred put his phone away and stood up.

"I have to go," Alfred said. He went over to the door and slid his shoes on.

"Thanks for coming over," Matthias said. Him and Gilbert both followed him to the door.

"Thanks for having me." Alfred smiled.

Gilbert smiled. "See you at school?"

"Yep." Alfred slid the door open and stepped outside. "Bye," he said with a wave.

Gilbert waved back and the two both said bye. Matthias closed the door, expelling the humid heat from outside. He turned to Gilbert with a smirk.

Gilbert glared at him. "Don't you dare start!"


This part is about half the length these chapters usually are and I apologize.

As an added note, next chapter won't be up for a while because I want to make sure I'm mentally prepared for it. Things like this usually don't ever bother me but for some reason it's really messing with me.

I will update when I can though, that's a promise.


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