9 - Family Visit

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Alfred stayed in the hospital over the weekend. After they had explained what had happened to him, the doctor kept him there more for his safety than for his health.

Monday afternoon, Alfred's dad and Matt came and took Alfred home after checking in with the doctor one last time. The doctor gave him a prescription of pain relief pills to last for a few weeks.

Alfred was relieved when the house was empty. He first went to the living room and laid himself down on the couch. He wanted to rest, to just lay there and not breath or do anything that would inflame his chest. His thoughts wouldn't leave Gilbert, though.

Maybe he could have said something different. Maybe he should have given a different answer.


Alfred looked up to see Matt sitting down in the couch on the opposite side of the room.

"You want to watch something?" he offered.


Matt turned on Netflix, but Alfred didn't see anything past that. The next time he opened his eyes the curtains were drawn and the living room was dark. A blanket covered his body and his glasses were somewhere unknown.

He slowly and painfully pushed himself up to sit on the couch, the blanket tangling around his legs as he swung them off the furniture. Alfred bit his lip, trying to bear through the fire in his chest. It took one attempt at a breath before he gave up.

Screw it.

He reached to his jacket pocket for the small bottle from the doctor. He took off the cap, pressing down and turning the plastic lid. He took a couple of the pills from the container, putting them into his mouth before closing the container. He put the container back in his pocket before he slowly stood to his feet. His hand wandered the table beside the couch until they took hold of his glasses. He slid them on and searched for his phone.

In his room? No, his pocket. He took it out and flipped it open, casting enough light for him to see the steps a few feet in front of him. He turned the phone screen to him and saw the time; 04 56. He slept the entire afternoon. Great. This was really gonna mess with him now. He found the TV remote and turned Netflix on, starting a show that he could hopefully fall asleep to.


"So, he said no?" Matthias questioned.

"No, he didn't really say anything. He just said that he wasn't sure."


Gilbert quickly cut him off. "Can we talk about something else?" Gilbert sighed as the game ended. He had won again. He needed something else to focus on, other than Alfred. His head hung from his neck. "I don't know. I should just wait, right?"

"I thought you didn't want to talk about it?"

"Well, I can't stop thinking about it!" he snapped.

Matthias stayed calm for the sake of his friend. "You are right. Just give him some time. The fourth is in two weeks. If he hasn't given you a definite answer by then, ask him again."

Gilbert nodded. Gilbert looked up to the clock on the wall and stood from the couch. "I've got to get home."

"Alright, see you later," Matthias said with a smile that Gilbert returned before he got his shoes on and went out the door. He mounted his bike and pushed down on the pedals, riding onto the road and back home. Coming up to his house, Gilbert saw an extra car parked in the driveway. It took him a moment to remember where he recognized the vehicle from. Gilbert hurriedly put his bike away in the shed and went inside the house. Inside, his dad and uncle were talking in the living room.

"Uncle Fritz!"

His uncle stood at the sight of Gilbert. Gilbert ran to meet his uncle and greeted him with a hug that he returned.

"I didn't know you were coming." He looked up to his uncle who smiled to him.

His uncle ruffled his hair. "I wanted to visit my nephews. How are you, Gilbert?"

"Good," he responded.

Ludwig walked into the room. "He's got a new boyfriend."

"I do not! Not yet, anyways." He watched his younger brother smirk. "Not like you."

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Feliciano." He watched his brother's cheeks turn pink.

"Now, now, boys," their father said. "Settle down."

"Who's this boyfriend of yours?" his uncle asked.

"This boy in my class." He looked up to see his uncle smirking.

"You ask him out?" Gilbert nodded. "And?"

He shrugged. "I'm kinda waiting on an answer," he said softly. "So, how long are you staying?"

"A few days."

"You just missed the fair," Ludwig said.

"Well, there's always next year." That's right. There's always next year.

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