10 - Good Day Gone Wrong

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Gilbert knew his uncle was an older gentleman. He wasn't very young, but he still was the one person he had always looked up to. He never let his age get in the way and was always fun to hang out with. Gilbert had always wanted to be like him when he grew up. The next few days of his uncle's visit were the best and at some times he could almost forget the thought of Alfred for a moment. He knew what Alfred had said, but he couldn't help but think that he had really meant no. Spending time with Uncle Fritz always cheered him up. His uncle had recently retired and that meant he would be able to spend more time with them. He kept telling them about how he was never doing anything anymore and wanted to spend more time with them.

It was Saturday when his phone rang. He had been in the kitchen, just talking with his dad and uncle. "Hello?"

"Hey, Gilbert!"

"Hi, Matthias. What's up?"

"Well, I wondering if you wanted to come over."

"And?" Gilbert said, waiting for the rest.

"And Lukas went on vacation with his family," he said a bit quieter.

Gilbert smirked to himself. "I'll come over."

"Great! See you soon!" And the line ended.

"Going to a friend's house?" his uncle asked.

Gilbert nodded. "I'm going to Mathias'. See you later!"

"Alright," his dad said as he left.

Gilbert got his shoes on and put his phone in his pocket before leaving the house. He got his bike from the shed and drove onto the road and to Matthias' house. He dropped his bike next to the house and dashed up the deck stairs and knocked on the glass slider. Matthias came in a moment and let him in. Gilbert stepped into the air conditioned house and slipped his shoes off beside the door.

"So," Matthias started, leading Gilbert into the living room. "We're playing video games, if you'd like to join us. Alfred's actually getting pretty good."

Sitting on the couch was Alfred, a controller in his hands as his fingers quickly moved across the buttons. "Hi, Gilbert."

Gilbert stopped for a moment. It wasn't like he didn't want to spend time with him. He just felt like it would be kinda awkward. He took a deep breath and sat. "Hi, Alfred." Momentarily, Alfred's character died, and he looked up to give a nervous smile to Gilbert. Maybe Alfred was just as nervous as he was, probably.

Matthias got Gilbert a remote and they all played together for a while. He didn't keep track of the time, but just in the middle of a battle Matthias decided to pause it. "I'll be right back," he said hurriedly as headed to the bathroom. "Don't continue without me!" They didn't, and so the two sat for a few moments in uncomfortable silence.

Alfred sat with the remote in his hands, his thumb traces the outline of the buttons. "So, Gilbert," he said very slowly.

"Yeah?" Gilbert watched Alfred, only sitting about a foot or saw away.

"I've been thinking about, you know us, for a while now. And," he stopped, biting his lip as he thought. "I'm not sure how to talk, right now."

Gilbert waited for him to continue, for him to say no. But what he got was something he didn't really expect.

"I wanted to say yes to you. To try to make this work." He looked up to meet Gilbert's eyes, and Gilbert then saw how nervous he must have been. "I just- I don't want to screw up another relationship. I want to get it right."

Gilbert just gave a nervous laugh. "I'm sorry. I just really thought you were gonna say no." He looked back up to Alfred and saw a nervous smile on his lips. Gilbert set his remote aside and moved closer. "If you're willing to this, I'll always be here for you. Promise. I won't let you down."

Alfred gave a steady nod. "Same here." They sat in silence for what felt like many minutes. Alfred looked to the side with a small smile.

Gilbert quickly leaned closer, planting a small kiss on his cheek. He watched Alfred's cheeks grow pink as he smiled.

"Well now! Was that so hard?"

Both of them turned to see Matthias walking back into the room, a wide grin spread across his face. "That means I win my bet with Alistor." He flopped onto the couch and picked up his controller.

"How much?" Alfred asked.

"Ten bucks."

Gilbert looked back to Alfred and let a smile wash over him. Something like relief and just pure joy had filled him. The time after that seemed to fly by. He hardly noticed when the sun had started to set and when it had grown dark outside. When his phone rang, he had a moment of panic. Was it past eleven? No, it was only ten-twenty-five. He answered the phone putting it to his ear after he paused the game. "Hi, Dad."

"Hi, Gilbert. Would it be okay if you stayed at Matthias' house tonight?"

The request confused him and he wasn't sure if he heard it right. "Um, well, I'd have to ask him, but I think that would be okay. Why?"

"Ludwig is at Feliciano's. He'll be spending the night."

"I know that. He left earlier today." The panic in his dad's voice was worrying him. "Dad, what's wrong?"

"Just, stay there, okay? I'll-"

"Dad. What's happening?" He heard his dad take a deep breath on the other end of the line. There was silence for several seconds and he worried that his father had hung up on him.

"It's Uncle Frederick. He's on his way to the hospital."

"What? Why?! What happened?"

"He had a heart attack. I called an ambulance and he's on his way to the hospital right now. I'm on my way there, just stay at Matthias'."

Gilbert jumped from the couch, the remote falling to the ground. "No! Come and get me!" He hurriedly went to the door and tried to put his shoes on while holding the phone to his ear.

"Gilbert, just stay there. Keep calm. I'll come get you in the morning."

"No-!" He started to argue, but the line went dead. Gilbert hurriedly shoved the phone in his pocket and put his shoes on.

"Gilbert, what's the matter?"

He looked around to Alfred standing almost right behind him, Matthias not too far off. "My uncle, he's in the hospital. I've got to go see him."

"On your bike?" Matthias asked.

"I'm not gonna walk there." He pulled the door open and stepped out into the thick humid air. He only stopped at the stairs when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Just wait a moment." Gilbert looked to see Alfred there. "Let me see if Alistor's home. The hospital is a forty minute drive by car. It'll take you forever to get there by bike." Gilbert waited a moment before nodding his head. He watched as Alfred pulled out his phone to call his cousin. He needed to get to the hospital to see Uncle Fritz. He had to see him.

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